The Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service Festival of Carols was held at St George’s Church, Frankwell, Shrewsbury on 11 December 2014. As usual, this was an uplifting Christmas event and was enjoyed by all who attended.
A raffle and collection was held. The total money raised was £557.97 and broken down as below:
Raffle tickets sold in HQ £ 82.00
Raffle tickets sold on the night at the Church £130.00
Collection on the night £345.97
Following a late £200 donation from Fenland Laundry the final amount raised was £757.97, which will be split between The Fire Fighters Charity, Hope House Children’s Hospice and St George’s Church.
Readers on the evening were:
Vanessa Thomas Fundraising Manager for Shropshire and Powys, Hope House
Carol Wolfe from the WI
Neil Griffiths, Group Commander Prevention, SFRS
Sharon Munro, Head Teacher, St George’s School, Frankwell
Canon Jonathan Mitchell, Dean of Shrewsbury Cathedral
Music was provided by Johanna Hora, organist and the choirs of St George’s School and the 21st Shrewsbury Brownies.
Particular thanks go to the Brigade Chaplain, Murray McBride; the Church Wardens and Verger of St George’s Church and their willing helpers for their unstinting help with organisation and serving the refreshments.