Funds raised by Shropshire firefighters

Shropshire firefighters raised lots of suds – and hundreds of pounds – during a charity car wash in aid of injured and sick colleagues nationwide.

Fire crews from Shrewsbury, Whitchurch and Wellington took part in Car Wash Day to raise around £640 for the national Fire Fighters Charity.

"We raised £217.14 despite the rain. In all we washed 36 cars and received street donations from passers-by," said Cameron Taylor, Red Watch Manager at Shrewsbury Fire Station.

Fire crews in Whitchurch collected £231.85 while crews from Wellington fire station took £190 for the charity by washing numerous cars at the Red Lion pub car park on the A5.

County motorists also picked up fire safety tips while they waited including information on how to book a free home fire safety check in which fire crews make home visits to advise on fire prevention.

Shrewsbury Watch Manager Cameron Taylor added: "It was the first time we at Red Watch had done this although many of our colleagues at fire stations across the county regularly join in with the annual charity car wash."

The National Car Wash is the charity's largest fundraising event of the year and involves fire stations throughout the UK washing the nation’s cars, in exchange for a donation.

Every year, thousands of fire fighters are injured while protecting the public. Every 30 seconds in the UK, fire fighters are called to an incident putting their lives on the line and often sustaining physical injuries while carrying out their duties. The Fire Fighters Charity is here for fire fighters during their times of need and assists over 17,000 individuals every year by providing pioneering treatment and support services.

The award-winning charity has three UK centres in Cumbria, Devon and West Sussex which offer varying combinations of therapy and recuperation services. The charity's new Beneficiary Support Services also offer local and remote assistance to people in need nationwide. It costs over £9 million every year to keep the charity running, and with no government funding, it is completely reliant on donations from the general public and fire community.

23rd March, 2010
