A “bizarre” idea to store a person’s medical details in a bottle in the fridge could prove a “lifesaver,” say charity raisers who are spreading the word about the scheme with the help of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Firefighters are helping Bridgnorth Lions distribute hundreds of tiny green and white bottles which will contain crucial details about a householder’s medication, allergies and who to contact in case of an emergency.
The essential information will be easily accessed by paramedics and emergency crews in case of an accident or sudden illness, said Alison Teece, a Community Fire Safety Officer with the brigade.
“They will be distributed by firefighters as they carry out routine home fire safety checks in Shropshire homes and at open days and community events.”
Bridgnorth Councillor John Hurst-Knight, a member of Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority, praised the voluntary scheme organised by Lions Clubs across the UK which Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service was “delighted” to support.
“This is a campaign to improve safety in the community and we are very proud to help. The fire service has a great reputation working in partnership in many areas such as road safety and schools and this is just another worthwhile scheme that we can offer our help.”
Bridgnorth Lions adopted the successful scheme 18 months ago with the help of lottery funding which bought 10,000 of the 10cm high plastic bottles with forms. Since then they have been distributed at post offices in Worfield, Claverley and Rudge Heath, and handed out to churches, pubs and corner shops.
“It is a bizarre idea but by putting the bottle into the fridge it is a brilliant way of putting people’s details where they can be easily and quickly found in case of an emergency,” said Clive Davies, a past president of Bridgnorth Lions.

A lifesaving message in a bottle from Bridgnorth Lions President Neil Bennett and Retained Support Officer David Jennings
Lions President Neil Bennett said they had been doing a series of public presentations at old people’s homes and day centres to explain what the scheme was all about.
Over the past few weeks a total of 3,500 bottles had been distributed in the Bridgnorth area, he said.
The free bottles are available from bridgnorth Lions lub, PO Box 17, Bridgnorth WV16 4HH, call 0845 833 8552 or visit www.bridgnorthlions.org.uk