Motorbike safety campaign 2008
Bridgnorth Community Safety Partnership brought to a close on Wednesday night (10th September) their summer motorbike safety campaign.
The campaign was launched following the high number of deaths and serious injuries that occurred on the districts roads during the summer of 2007. Bridgnorth community safety partnership, which includes West Mercia Constabulary and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service wanted to combat last years shocking statistics in which five motorcyclists died and 16 were seriously injured on the roads in and around Bridgnorth.

Staff from SFRS talking to motorcyclists at Swancote Country club.
The events, which have been held at Swancote Country Club and Alan's Café at Quatford, have been attended throughout the summer by Police, firefighters, District Council officers and local councillors, all of whom were on hand to provide safety advice and give away free safety leaflets, ear plugs and Bridgnorth Bike Safe lanyards.
The campaign has been helped by the donation of a motorbike involved in a fatal crash on the districts roads during 2007, the partnership also used a photo of a staged accident involving the bike, and with the slogan "Will we see you again".
The motorbike and the photo really get people talking. Motorcyclists will come and look at the bike and the photo and start talking with members of the partnership about motorbike safety. It also opens people's eyes to the consequences of unsafe riding.

SFRS Outreach vehicle with the staged motorbike crash photo and the crashed motorbike in front.
The campaign which ran from May until September has proved a huge success. To date the district has seen a huge decrease in the number of motorcycle casualties. The campaign has also been recognised by others as best practice. Two other organisations (one private and one local partnership organisation) have been in contact about the campaign and with the permission of the partnership are going to use some of the material the Bridgnorth Community Safety Partnership has produced in their own campaigns and safety training.

West Mercia Police and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Officers providing motorbike safety advice at Swancote.
Due to the success of this year's campaign, plans are already underway for next years. Further details will follow about this shortly.