Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is taking part in the National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) "Ready Willing and Able" campaign which launches today (April 15 l) which will show how fire and rescue services in the UK are going the extra mile to protect and support their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Firefighters and support staff across Shropshire will be sharing stories on social media about how they’re using their wide range of skills to provide community reassurance and help, in response to the national crisis.
As well as continuing to respond to emergency calls, the NFCC has agreed with the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and Fire and Rescue Employers that Fire Services will work with organisations such as Local Resilience Forums, voluntary as well as supporting local health partners.
Chief Fire Officer Rod Hammerton said: “We are ready, willing and able to do all we can to help support people here in Shropshire and we are working very closely with partners within the County to be prepared to support our communities as and when we are needed.
“The county has made excellent preparations through its Local Resilience Forum and so far all we have been called to do is help deliver critical supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) to distribution points within the county but we are ready willing and able to help wherever it is needed. One area we have been working with colleagues in preparing plans for movement of deceased persons who may be infected with COVID-19.
“Shropshire is a county of incredibly capable and independent people and we appreciate we will only be needed as a last resort but SFRS staff are well-prepared to undertake this type of work.
“We recognise the incredible work frontline staff such as NHS or care home workers and mental health teams are doing. We are so proud of them and just want help in what little way we can. So we have also made our critical incident support service available to partners through our team of Trauma Risk Incident Management (TRIM) practitioners.”
Roy Wilsher, Chair of the National Fire Chiefs Council, said: “Fire and Rescue services across the UK are renowned for responding professionally to the unexpected and this national crisis is no different.
“We are very proud of crews for stepping forward, using their wide-range of capabilities and skills to ensure community reassurance and support, while continuing to respond to emergencies, during COVID-19.
“The commitment to their communities during this critical time is a reflection of their continued humanity and care.
"The additional work taken on by firefighters will be temporary to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, initially in place for two months. The NFCC’s Ready Willing Able campaign is being rolled out by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service from today via their website and social media channels using #ReadyWillingAble