A hate crime is an offence committed against a person or property motivated by the perpetrator's hostility and prejudice towards people because they are seen as being different. You can report hate crime or hate incidents either by directly contacting the police or through other partner organisations and agencies, including Shropshire Fire and Rescue Services. You can come into SFRS headquarters in St Michaels Street, Shrewsbury, between 9am – 4pm weekdays. Alternatively, you can click on Shropshire Council’s hate crime online reporting site (https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/crime-and-criminal-justice/report-a-hate-crime/).
Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service is a member of the Shropshire Hate Crime Advisory Group, a partnership working to help reduce crimes and incidents carried out because of somebody’s hatred of a victim’s perceived age, alternative lifestyle, culture, disability, faith, gender identity, race, sex or sexual orientation. Shropshire has a number of local hate crime reporting centres which are not run by the police. They provide support for victims of hate crimes and incidents, and act as contacts with the police if victims wish to report what has happened to them. These reporting centres are run by organisations like local libraries, community centres, Victim Support and Citizens Advice provide similar services.