Telford firefighters demonstrated their skills at a “hugely successful” open day at Telford Central Fire Station.
Families galore arrived early to watch eye catching demonstrations including a chip pan bursting into flames, a rope rescue from a high tower and a display showing how firefighters rescue animals.
Telford mayor, Councillor Stephen Reynolds, volunteered to be the front seat driver cut out of a car by firefighters.
MP Lucy Allen joined the crowds at the Stafford Park station along with Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority vice chair Eric Carter.
Children queued to squirt water from a fire hose and experienced the “smoke tent” which shows them how to keep low and escape from a smoke filled fire.
“It was a hugely successful day when lots of families turned up. They were queuing to enter before the start of the event,” said Crew Manager Simon Morris.
“All the demonstrations went well and it gave us the chance to show people what firefighters actually do. We are not just here to squirt water onto fires. That is a small part of our role.
“It also gave us the chance to get over some very important fire safety messages.”
For more information about fire safety visit www.shropshirefire.gov.uk
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