
4th May, 2018

Shropshire firefighters paraded in front of their fire stations to mark the second annual Firefighters Memorial Day to remember the bravery and sacrifice of firefighters who have died in the line of duty.

With flags at half mast,...

27th April, 2018


Changes will be made to make buildings safer in Shropshire following the Grenfell tower block tragedy, say senior officers from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Fire officers are expected to be given more powers to question new...

25th April, 2018

A Shropshire firefighter is taking part in a second attempt to beat the world record for playing the longest ever game of rugby after the Guiness Book of Records called foul and ruled out the first marathon effort.

Officials disallowed a...

25th April, 2018

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service is supporting the Bike4Life campaign with firefighters joining the convoy of thousands of motorbikes as it weaves its way through the county on Sunday, April 22.

The annual event is the largest motorcycle...

25th April, 2018

Shropshire firefighters rescued a four-year-old boy who was accidentally locked in his home after the front door shut.

Mum Sam Caffrey, dressed in pyjamas and dressing gown, was forced to called 999 when she found she couldn’t get back...

25th April, 2018

A quick “Spring clean” now could save your life say fire safety experts. 

As part of a fire safety campaign, Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service is advising householders to clear any clutter that may be blocking escape routes and to make...

25th April, 2018

A senior Shropshire fire officer and three Staffordshire firefighters battled sun, snow and torrential rain to cycle 240 miles over three days to raise more than £2,000 for the Fire Fighters Charity and Macmillan Cancer Support.


9th April, 2018

A Shropshire firefighter has been “hotfooting” around the county for hundreds of miles over the past few months in training for the world famous London marathon.

Within the next two weeks, Kat Frost (32), will swap the streets of Clun for...

23rd March, 2018

Shropshire’s expertise for having one of the best run “on call” firefighter operations in the UK has been highlighted at a national conference.

Fire Officer, Group Manager Jon Temple and Watch Manager Tony Talbot showcased how Shropshire...

22nd March, 2018

A senior Shropshire fire officer is joining three Staffordshire firefighters to cycle 240 miles to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Group Manager Neil Griffiths will cycle from Uttoxeter to Combe...
