
24th June, 2018


It’s a job that’s challenging, exciting and means you get to help the local community. That is the job description for a firefighter with Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service which is looking for new recruits in Wellington.

“Being a...

21st June, 2018

Older people who live alone in rural areas of Shropshire are most at risk of having a house fire, says Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The kitchen is the room where most fires break out and smoke alarms are key to alerting householders...

13th June, 2018



A former Assistant Chief Fire Officer with Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has been awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queen’s 2018 Birthday Honours List, with the award given for humanitarian services in Eastern Europe...

13th June, 2018


Retired Shropshire firefighters and support staff are in Transylvania in Romania taking three more fully equipped fire engines and several tonnes of humanitarian aid as part of Shropshire charity Operation Sabre. 

The convoy,...

12th June, 2018

Bridgnorth Fire Station has received two major accolades for their fund raising efforts.


Watch Manager Ashley Brown has been awarded the Telent Charity Shield for his outstanding contribution to the Fire Fighters Charity while the...

12th June, 2018

A fire control operator with more than 40 years service has received the High Sheriff Good Citizen Award for his "substantial contribution" to society.


Paul Pryce, Watch Manager with Blue Watch, received the award from High...

25th May, 2018



Wellington Fire Station celebrated its 65th anniversary after a chance discovery on Ebay uncovered the station’s opening programme of 1953.

Retired firefighters, including a 93-year-old veteran, joined the Wellington...

24th May, 2018
Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Accounts and Audit Regulation 2015

Notice is given that from 1 June to 12 July 2018, between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Mondays to Thursdays (4.00 p.m. on Fridays) any person interested may inspect, and make...

14th May, 2018


A chance discovery of an old document on ebay has sparked 65th anniversary celebrations for a Shropshire fire station.

A member of The Fire Brigade Society had found the original programme for the opening of Wellington Fire...

8th May, 2018


Fire and Police are “working better together” to rescue vulnerable people who threaten to jump from bridges or high buildings in a training initiative launched by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Firefighters skilled in rope...
