Budget Proposals 2014/15 and Later Years

Over the past eighteen months, we have been reviewing our long term strategic planning, and the challenges that we face into the future:

• The changing needs of Shropshire’s communities and the risks that they face
• Continuing financial pressures due to reductions in government grant, and
• The requirements to deal with all foreseeable local, cross border and national risks

You have told us what you think about the Service and how we should change it to meet these challenges. As a result of this feedback, we have developed a budget strategy for 2014/15 and later years.

• In 2014/15, we are proposing to increase council tax by 1.99% - this is £1.76 per year, or 3p per week, on a Band D property.
• In spite of this increase, we are still facing cuts in future years of up to £900,000.

You can view our plans for the budget here and give us your views on our proposals.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service
Brigade Headquarters
St Michaels Street

19th February, 2014