Publication Scheme

As a public authority SFRS has a legal obligation to provide information through an approved publication scheme and in response to requests.

A publication scheme is a guide to the information the SFRS routinely makes available to the public and wherever possible provides an easy method of accessing this information.

Under the Freedom of Information Act every public authority has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme and explain within it what information they publish, how the information is made available, and whether it is available free of charge or upon payment.

The publication scheme is organised into the major areas of work the Service is involved in. Some areas contain links to the websites of other organisations. SFRS is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Who we are and what we do

What we spend and how we spend it

What our priorities are and how we are doing

How we make decisions

Our policies and procedures

Lists and registers

The services we offer

Current Fees

Further Information

For a full explanation of the rules governing requests for information under any of the above please contact the Data Protection Officer.  Contact details can be found at the end of our Privacy Notice.