An article in today's edition of the Shropshire Star has highlighted the success of efficiency measures at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Substantial cost savings have been realised through Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority's Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) action plans over the past four years.
This success has translated into a 16 per cent reduction in house fires and reduced numbers of injuries over the past two years.
The Star also reports that Government research has shown Shropshire's Automatic Fire Alarms (AFA) policy is now the most cost effective of any brigade in England.
Historically, the Fire and Rescue Service provided cover for fires according to recommended standards based on property types within a given area.
Integrated Risk Management Planning has shifted the focus in planning to put people first, looking at the risks arising from all fires and other emergency incidents, and at the options for reducing and managing them.
The Authority's IRMP and IRMP Action Plans exist to support its vision of "A Safer Shropshire" and its mission to "Save life, protect property and the environment and reduce the risks from fire".
The cost savings made by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have resulted in more money being available for investment in local Community Fire Prevention schemes.