Preparations are now almost complete ahead of a multi-agency ‘Clean Sweep' operation that is taking place in Ketley Bank next week.
The operation will run from Monday 8 November to Wednesday 10 November and police and community support officers from the North Telford Local Policing Team will be working closely with Telford & Wrekin Council, the West Mercia Probation Trust, The Wrekin Housing Trust and the Fire Service, to engage with the community and to tackle anti-social and community issues.
During the three day operation representatives from each of the partner agencies will be working in various areas and looking to tackle a number of different issues.
PC Vicky Mansell, Local Police Officer for Ketley and Oakengates, said: "The aim of Operation Clean Sweep is to tackle issues members of the community have raised at local PACT meetings and PACT surgeries, whether it is graffiti, anti-social behaviour or abandoned vehicles.
"All of the agencies will be working together to ensure the issues raised are addressed and dealt with by the relevant organisation. We will obviously be focusing on police matters such as speeding - particularly around Greyhound Road and Holyhead Road, illegal parking, licensing issues - alongside the council - and anti-social behaviour linked to crime, while our partners will be focusing on their areas of expertise too.
"The Council's Trading Standards and Environmental Services staff will be looking at housing, fly tipping and clearance work alongside the Wrekin Housing Trust, while individuals involved with Probation's Community Payback scheme will also be lending a hand to tackle some of this tidying up work.
"The fire service will also be working with the Wrekin Housing Trust to do home visits and offer advice about fire security and I would encourage people to take advantage of the chance to speak to any of the representatives that they see out and about during the operation."
Councillor Miles Hosken, cabinet member for Community protection and Cohesion said:
"One of this Council's priorities is making the borough a safe, friendly place to live, work and visit.
"We are doing this by working with partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and initiatives like the Clean Sweep help us to highlight those day to day issues that are so important to many people and we look forward to them taking part."
Cllr Sean Kelly, cabinet member for a Community Focused Efficient Council, added:
"The residents of Ketley Bank have asked for support in tackling the odd pocket of anti-social behaviour in and around the area.
"We have listened carefully to residents’ concerns and believe that several days of targeted activity will help stamp out these problems. Only by working hand-in-glove with local residents and other partner agencies, can we together successfully tackle these issues.
"I'm delighted Ketley Bank is getting the attention it deserves."