The annual Christmas carols service held by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service raised more than £350 for charity.

A total of £373.70 was collected at the popular Festival of Carols held this year at Barnabas Community Church, Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, and shared between the Fire Fighters’ Charity and food bank Plus, based in Shrewsbury.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Andy Johnson today donated £186.85 to the church food bank which will buy nine food parcels for people in more


Children from Bicton School Choir joined honoured guests and firefighter families to sing their hearts out at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service's Festival of Carols held at Barnabas Community Church, Shrewsbury. Funds were raised for both the Firefighters' Charity and the Shrewsbury Food Bank which has helped thousands in need of help.

Chief Fire Officer Rod Hammerton welcomed everyone before Dave Matthias, of Barnabas Community Church, introduced those who gave readings more

Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service's annual Festival of Carols will go ahead as planned tomorrow evening (Wednesday, 13 Dec) and the fire service says anyone is welcome.

The carol service at the Barnabas Community Church in Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, will begin at 7pm and the fire service has extended a special invitation to anyone who missed their own carol service because of the bad weather.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Andy Johnson, said: "We aren't going to let the wintry more


A vivid and chilling film of a Christmas tree rapidly burning with fierce flames enveloping a room in less than a minute is a stark fire safety warning, says Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

But it’s not the only danger, with blazes often starting in the kitchen and being the most likely start of a house fire, reveals Shropshire Fire Safety Officer Alison Teece.

Shropshire firefighters were called out to 450 incidents in December last year which included many car more


Young people who drink too much alcohol and walk home alongside the River Severn are being made aware of the dangers with the launch of a Don’t Drink and Drown and “Respect the Water” campaign in Shropshire.

Shrewsbury publicans and club owners are joining firefighters, police and councils to get the lifesaving message home to mainly young revellers out celebrating in the run up to Christmas and the New Year.

The “Respect the Water” and Don’t Drink and Drown campaign more


Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has been honoured for its “trailblazing” work to support staff with dyslexia.

They were hailed as “super champions” for being proactive and supportive employers at the Dyslexia Awards 2017.

Winner of the Supportive Employer Award for more than 50 employees, they were praised by judges for having a positive impact on their staff and changing perceptions of dyslexics and dyslexia across Shropshire.

“They are super champions and more

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has teamed up with local councils and Citizens’ Advice to create a new method of getting help and support to vulnerable people.

Firefighters already visit more than 3,500 homes each year to conduct fire safety checks and to give advice to people identified as vulnerable, including the elderly, disabled and people living alone. If firefighters feel that someone needed additional help they contact the local authority on an informal basis and pass on more


A Shropshire firefighter’s campaign to make fire safety fun for children has proved rock solid with lifesaving messages painted onto stones and distributed around the area.

Mark Smith, Watch Manager at Market Drayton Fire Station, inscribed brightly coloured messages such as “Get Out, Stay Out, Call 999” and “Big or Small, Fire Safety is For All.” The Shropshire Fire and Rescue logo was also added to a total of eight rocks which he then hid in local play parks, car parks and more


Firefighters are fighting back after “despicable” thieves put lives at risk by stealing lifesaving equipment from county fire stations.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has called in SmartWater, the successful crime deterrent and “thief catcher,” to protect equipment from further raids in all 23 Shropshire fire stations.

Every single piece of firefighting kit, from hoses to Holmatro cutting gear, is being forensically marked with SmartWater. Security fences, door more


Lifesaving messages are to be emblazoned on petrol pumps to remind Shropshire drivers about fire prevention and road safety.

Busy petrol forecourts in Shrewsbury and Telford will have vivid adverts displayed about the importance of regular smoke alarm checks and to remind motorists to be aware of vulnerable cyclists and pedestrians especially during the dark wintry months.

It is all part of a joint campaign by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and West Mercia Police more


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