A senior Shropshire fire officer and three Staffordshire firefighters battled sun, snow and torrential rain to cycle 240 miles over three days to raise more than £2,000 for the Fire Fighters Charity and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Group Manager Neil Griffiths, who works at Shrewsbury fire HQ, cycled from Uttoxeter to Combe Martin in Devon with Watch Managers Mitch Stafford and David Clewlow and firefighter Russ Brown, from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, based in Uttoxeter and more

A Shropshire firefighter has been “hotfooting” around the county for hundreds of miles over the past few months in training for the world famous London marathon.

Within the next two weeks, Kat Frost (32), will swap the streets of Clun for the roads of the UKs capital when she takes part for the first time in the tough 26 mile race on April 22.

It will be a dream come true for the Clun firefighter who received her coveted marathon place after applying to the Fire Fighters more

Shropshire’s expertise for having one of the best run “on call” firefighter operations in the UK has been highlighted at a national conference.

Fire Officer, Group Manager Jon Temple and Watch Manager Tony Talbot showcased how Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service manages the Retained Duty System which employs 343 on-call firefighters who operate out of 22 of the county’s fire stations, most of them rural.

They add to Shropshire’s firefighting force of more than 500, including more

A senior Shropshire fire officer is joining three Staffordshire firefighters to cycle 240 miles to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Group Manager Neil Griffiths will cycle from Uttoxeter to Combe Martin in Devon setting off at 6.30am on Monday, March 26. He will be joined by Watch Managers Mitch Stafford and David Clewlow and firefighter Russ Brown, from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, based in Uttoxeter and Cannock fire stations.



Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has launched an Easter fire safety campaign for friends, family and neighbours to spread the word about the importance of having smoke alarms in the home – and to ensure they work.

A series of awareness events are being held at libraries across the county featuring a colouring competition for children to teach them about fire safety.

“The idea of the campaign is to encourage families to consider fire safety in not just their homes but more


Aerosols, toasters and even e-cigarettes are to blame for triggering false fire alarms, says Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

They are urging home and business owners to help cut down the number of needless firefighter callouts by being more aware of the causes.

So don’t dust but gently vacuum your smoke detector to remove particles, check the batteries regularly and test your alarm each week as it may save your life one day, says Fire Safety Inspecting Officer Dan more


Shropshire company bosses are being urged to attend an education seminar at Telford or Shrewsbury fire stations to learn more about their legal responsibilities for fire safety at their commercial premises.

The Business Education Seminars run by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service also give an insight to business owners about what they need to do before property inspections are carried out by fire officers.

The two hour seminars are being held for the business community more


Sprinklers save lives and businesses – that is the message from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service in a campaign during national Sprinkler Awareness Week which starts today.

A senior fire officer said he wanted to “dispel the myth” that water from sprinkler systems caused more damage than fire.

“That is absolutely and completely untrue. Sprinklers only react to just where the fire is. They react to the heat and successfully put out fires to save lives and property,” more


Customer Services Advisor Chris Smith and Master Technician Glen Wheatley are usually the first to arrive at Wellington Fire Station to get the fire engine ready when a 999 call comes in.

Both Furrows employees, they immediately stop work when their emergency bleepers go off and run or cycle the 200 metres across the road to the fire station.

Their firefighter colleagues, who must live or work within five minutes of any of the county’s 23 fire stations, arrive moments more

Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service supports Wales and West Utilities initiative to enhance gas cooker safety for vulnerable householders.

Wales and West Utilities are offering to fit a free lockable safety device (locking cooker valve) to the pipework of a gas cooker or hob – this service is free of charge and is installed by a competent Wales and West Gas engineer.

This simple safety device will help a person who can no longer operate their gas cooker safely, such as people more


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