A posed group shot of 6 kids, headteacher, and 2 firefighters in front of fire appliance

Children from St Lawrence’s Primary School, Church Stretton, with senior fire officer Rob Corfield, head teacher Dick Langford and firefighter Wayne Castree, who is also the school caretaker

Primary schoolchildren in south Shropshire more

We would like to say the Women’s Taster day at Oswestry Fire station on Saturday 26 October with a follow on the job related tests at Telford in December was a huge success. It was held to encourage women to consider careers as retained fire-fighters, and was advertised in the local press, radio and leaflet drops.

Thirteen women attended the first day, all trying on the fire kit and breathing apparatus, looking at the fire appliance and carrying out the step test with our fitness more

The Fire Brigades Union will be taking strike action across all fire and rescue services in England and Wales on two days this week for a period of 4 hours on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December between 6pm and 10pm.

The strike action has been called in support of the FBU campaign against changes to pensions proposed by the Department of Communities and Local Government.

John Redmond, Chief Fire Officer for Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, more

photo of a really cluttered corridor leading to a fire exit

Cardboard boxes block any hope of a quick exit in a fire at this premises

Shropshire company bosses are being urged to put fire safety at the top of their Christmas list this year.

Companies are legally responsible for taking fire safety precautions at their own more

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service were called out to a car fire at 3.27am on Friday 29th November in Iris Crescent, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford. The vehicle, a Suzuki Swift, was deliberately set on fire.

One crew from Telford Central dealt with the incident.

At 6.56am another call was received to a property fire in New Road, Wrockwardine Wood.

The property was empty at the time and the fire was confined to the bathroom area of the three storey property. The more

Firefighters and family pose for a group photo in front of a fire service pickup at sunset

Marley, a Staffordshire Blue Terrier, after being rescued by Ludlow firefighters soon after surviving a 25ft fall into a disused storage hole on Clee Hill. Left to right: Watch Manager John Taylor, firefighters Chris Baylis, Shaun Harrison and Martin more

All the recuits pictured on stage in formal undress uniform in two rows

(all the recruits) Chief Fire Officer John Redmond and chairman of Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority Stuart West with the latest on-call firefighter recruits for Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service at a passing out ceremony at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, last night. (Monday, more

Row of firefighters holding up cards which together spell out £30000

Car wash success for Shropshire firefighters, pictured left to right: Firefighters Olly Dreghorn, Dan Newton, Tony Wenger, Richard Brazier, Steve Morris and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Andy Johnson. Front: Fire Authority chairman Stuart West presents the award to Ashley Brown more

This year's Festival of Carols service will take place at St. George's Church, Frankwell in Shrewsbury.

The nearest car parking is Frankwell Car Park.

In aid of The Firefighters Charity, 22nd Shrewsbury Brownies, and St. George's Church.

Shropshire’s High Sheriff was in the driving seat to see at first hand how firefighters rescue victims of county road crashes when she was cut free from the wreckage of a car.

The Deputy Lieutenant for Shropshire, who was appointed High Sheriff in April, volunteered for “the hot seat” to highlight the importance of Shropshire Fire and more


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