At 00.16hrs 21.08.17 @SFRS_TelfordCtl dealt with a Portallo on fire in Brindleyford Brookside Telford @TelfordCops . Any info ring 101
At 14.44hrs 20.08.17 @SFRS_Shrews crews dealt with a fire in the engine compartment of a car in Sutton Rd Shrewsbury
At 21.12hrs 20.08.17 Newport crews dealt with a hover board on fire in Broomfield Rd Newport. The board was being c…
At 14.44hrs 20.08.17 @SFRS_Shrews crews dealt with a fire in teh engine compartment of a cra inSutton Rd Shrewsbury
Bet 16.28hrs & 16.57 hrs 19.08.17 @SFRSWellington crews dealt with 3 gorse fires in Hadley and Skylark View Ketley @TelfordCops
At 14.05hrs 19.08.17 @SFRS_Oswestry crews dealt with a horse box fire at Park Hall Oswestry
RT @SFRS_MDrayton: 18:16hrs called to house fire 🔥in #MarketDrayton with crew from #Hodnet 🚒 Kitchen fire🔥 4 BA, 1 Hose reel, PPV, oxy…
If you are camping or caravanning at one of these events then make sure tents and caravans are kept at the appropriate distance apart.
Sunlight shining through glass can start large fires. Always dispose of glass bottles and jars in designated areas e.g. recycling banks.
RT @DWFireRescue: Did you know? Runners and walkers are the group at the #highestrisk of accidental #drowning in the UK…
At 11.04am today @SFRS_Shrews attended a mower tractor on fire in Abbey Foregate shrewsbury
At 10.03hrs today 2 appliances from @SFRS_Oswestry dealt with a car fire at Wern Y Wiel Treflach Nr Oswestry, vehicle destroyed by fire
RT @TerrorismPolice: If you suspect something that could be terrorist related: contact police in confidence. You can make the difference…
At 10.42hrs today @SFRS_TelfordCtl crews attended a kitchen fire in Sutton Bank Coalport.
RT @SFRS_Prevention: We have that #FridayFeeling! The sun is shining & we're hoping for good weather @ Wellington open Day tomorrow. Hav…
RT @SFRSWellington: See the cctv footage of a recent arson attack our crews dealt with on a car Any info contact 101
#respect the water, take care near the sea and open water @teamshrews @ShrewsburyCops @shrewsburySP…
RT @RNLI: Would you know what to do if you found yourself in the cold water like the people in tonight's #SavingLivesAtSea on…