At 22.38hrs 15.08.17 @SFRS_Shrews dealt with a rubbish set on fire in Gloucester Rd Harlescott. Any info Ring 101 @ShrewsburyCops
At 06.44hrs today @SFRSWellington were called to a bin fire nr the entrance to PRH, caused by a carelessly discarded cigarette . Take care
At 04.19hrs 16.08.17 @SFRSWellington were called to a car fire in Overdale Telford. Anyone with any info contact West @WMerciaPolice on 101
DO NOT place your campfire near a tent. It should always be placed downwind from the tent. Only use tents made from flame-retardant material
Make sure you and your family know the 'Stop, Drop & Roll' steps if an item of clothing ever catches fire. #SummerSafety
At 04.19hrs 16.08.17 @SFRSWellington were callled to a car fire in Ovdale Telford. Anyone with any info contact West @WMerciaPolice on 101
RT @SFRSWellington: Open water relay/pumping for Red Watch today. Finally a nice day for it 🌞😎
At 15.47hrs 13.08.17 Wem attened an Agricultural veh fire at Soulton Wem @NFUWestMids
At 16.23hrs 12.08.17 we attended a Combine Harvester fire & 1 acre of standing crop at Cheswell Wood Newport
At 02.38hrs 12.08.17 Crews from we attended a house fire in Buttery Grove Church Parade Telford. Anyone with any info ring 101 or 0800555111
RT @ShrewsburyCops: @shropsfire @WMerciaPolice @severnhospice We had a fab afternoon too - great fun all round and for a great cause
RT @SFRSWellington: Branch techniques and entanglement drills for Red Watch today. Very important life saving skills for #firefighters…
An 8-goal thriller saw @shropsfire beat @WMerciaPolice 5-3 in a charity football clash, which raised just under £90…
Come along to the Unison Club playing fields in Shrewsbury on Sunday at 2pm to watch firefighters take on police in…
RT @AvonFireRescue: A powerful message to anyone planning a big night out. Please be careful around our waterways
RT @SFRS_Oswestry: Last night saw crews join colleagues from Baschurch to deal with 13 tonnes of straw alight on a trailer near Ruyton…
At 13.11hrs today crews from @SFRSWellington @SFRS_TelfordCtl & the ALP @SFRS_Shrews tackled a property fire at Dawley Rd Arleston
RT @Shropshire_CLTL: Great visit by @shropsfire to our Superstars holiday club today 🚒 #Firesafety #Shrewsbury
RT @ShrewsburyCops: We will be at Shrewsbury College Freshers Week Sept 12/13 delivering river safety awareness #DontDrinkAndDrown #RespectTheWater