At 21.54hrs 09.08.17 crews from @SFRS_Oswestry & Baschurch attended 13 tonnes of straw on a trailer on fire at Elbridge Ruton X1 Towns
At 20.43 9/8/17 @SFRS_Bridgnorth @HWFire Kidderminster attended a fire in Daddlebrook Rd Alveley, caused by unattended cooking
River Severn warning: Shrewsbury police urge people stay out of water via @po_st
RT @RLSSUK: It's a perfect time to get your kids involved with our #BeaRookieLifeguard programme. Find out more
RT @RNLI: Fight your instincts, not the water. RNLI ambassador @antmiddleton333 on what to do in an emergency #RespectTheWater
RT @samaritans: .@samaritans is now free to call in the UK and ROI on 116 123 #freecall
At 20.52hrs 08.08.17 @SFRS_TelfordCtl dealt with a van set on fire in Bishopdale Brookside @brooksidecops @ShropshireStar Ring 101 with info
At 19.31hrs 08.0817 @SFRSWellington crews delat with 2 seats of fire nr Play area Juniper Drive Trench Ring 101 with info @DonningtonCops
RT @SFRS_Wchurch: Just returned from a deliberate industrial waste bin fire behind Tesco. Any info please contact @WMerciaPolice @NorthShropCops #shropshire
RT @SFRS_MDrayton: Breathing Apparatus training session 🔥 #DoorProcedure #GasCool #SearchAndRescue
RT @SFRS_Bridgnorth: RTC training with our friends from Highley, Broseley & Bridgnorth Community First Responders at our Training Centre…
If you have any information about Arson attacks in Telford ring 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers 080055…
RT @ElecSafetyFirst: TIP: Don't leave any appliances running when you are asleep or out of the house, including dishwashers and tumble d…
RT @ShrewsburyCops: Team Shrewsbury meeting tomorrow. River safety high on the agenda after 5 river rescues in past week. @teamshrews
At 13.02hrs today crews from @SFRS_Shrews & Hodnet attended a shed fire in Wytheford Rd Shawbury . Shed 100% destroyed by fire
We have been called out to FIVE Water Rescues in Shrewsbury in four weeks, take care near water. @ShrewsburyCops…
RT @ElecSafetyFirst: Do you and your family have an escape plan organised? Test your smoke alarms today and make sure everyone knows wha…
RT @SFRS_Prevention: When camping, if you have an open fire: -Do not leave fires unattended -Make sure that fires are fully extinguished after use #SummerSafety
Crews called out to two incidents last night in Watling St Wellington & St Matthews Rd Donnington turned out to be bonfires.