
Shropshire Fire Crews in Farm Fire Exercise

Shropshire firefighters carried out an exercise last night to practice their firefighting skills attending a rural farmhouse "fire".

Firefighters from Craven Arms Fire Station were called out to the scene at an empty cottage at Corfton Farm in Corvedale Road which had been pumped full of white cosmetic smoke to recreate as near as possible the conditions of a house fire.

Farmer Stephen Povall, a South Shropshire parish councillor who owns the cottage, donated the building for the day which is under renovation.

Beyond the Call of Duty… Awards For Firefighters and Civilians


Firefighters and civilians alike who put their lives at risk to save others were praised for their selfless acts at an awards ceremony held in Shropshire.

Three binmen who rescued an elderly couple from a burning car were  honoured alongside firefighters, some who braved terrorist bomb attacks in the 1980s and also fought the largest fire in UK peacetime during a 30 year career with Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Shropshire Employers' 25 Year Support For County Firefighters'


A company which has actively backed Shropshire’s on call firefighters for the past 25 years has been praised for its support.

Chief Fire Officer John Redmond said Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service relied on businesses such as Ludlow’s DMS Plastics which allowed employees, who are also trained firefighters, to “drop tools” at a moment’s notice to respond to 999 calls.

The firm in Lingen Road, Ludlow, currently has one of its 25 staff , employed as an on call firefighter and five previous firefighter employees over the past 25 years.

Women Who Want To Be Firefighters

An ongoing campaign to encourage more Shropshire women to become part time professional firefighters launches again on Saturday, May 2, with a taster day at Craven Arms fire station.

A similar session held at Craven Arms last year resulted in mother of two Kat Frost (29), enrolling and successfully completing 12 months of training to join firefighting colleagues who turn out at a moment’s notice to respond to 999 calls in the area.

Shropshire Firefighters Show Their Animal Rescue Skills On Breakfast TV

Shropshire firefighters showed off their animal rescue skills live on BBC television this morning.

BBC Breakfast presenter Sian Lloyd was with the animal rescue team based at Wellington Fire Station, where the cameras were rolling today.

She reported how the demands for the animal rescue team, formed a few years ago, were growing from farmers and horseriders whose animals get into difficulty.

Other fire services across the UK were now also setting up similar animal rescue teams.

Rob Sheppard told how animals can be highly strung and react after an incident.

Ludlow's Watch Manager Retires After 38 Year Firefighting Career

The man who has led Ludlow’s firefighters for the past 20 years is stepping down after a 38 year firefighting career.

John Taylor (63) is retiring as Watch Manager at Ludlow Fire Station where he has been in charge of 18 of the town’s firefighters’.

But John, of Charlton Rise, Ludlow, will still be continuing his family painting and decorating business which his grandson Michael has just joined.

With an average 200 emergency calls a year, John reckons he has turned out to around 8,000 incidents during his time with Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Firefighter Recruitment Event This Saturday

An appeal has gone out for more “on call” firefighters across Shropshire but they are especially needed in both Prees and Newport. Anyone interested can turn up at the second of two recruitment events being held at Newport Fire Station, Salters Lane, on Saturday, March 28 from 10am to 1pm.

There are a total of 15 firefighters who cover the Newport area but they need more with six recently retiring or moving away.

While there are are 11 firefighters in Prees but “we can take 16,” says Watch Manager Tony Peck, who works at a concrete plant.

Recruiting "On call" Firefighters in Shropshire


An appeal has gone out for more “on call” firefighters across Shropshire but they are especially needed in both Prees and Newport.

Anyone interested can turn up at two recruitment events being held at Newport Fire Station, Salters Lane, on March 12 from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday, March 28 from 10am to 1pm.

There are a total of 15 firefighters who cover the Newport area but they need more with six recently retiring or moving away.

While there are are 11 firefighters in Prees but “we can take 16,” says Watch Manager Tony Peck, who works at a concrete plant.

Women Who Want To Be Firefighters


Women who want to be firefighters turned out for a “taster” session at a Shropshire fire station.

Attending the taster session on Saturday at Oswestry Fire Station were women aged between 23 and 47 and included mums whose children were leaving for university, a child care worker, butcher, fitness instructor and a business support worker.

They learned what it takes to join the county’s 300 plus “on call” fully trained firefighters who deal with around the clock emergencies.


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