
Fire Warning on E-Cigarette Chargers


A warning about the dangers of exploding e-cigarettes has been issued by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Fire chiefs have released graphic film footage of an e-cigarette being engulfed in flames after an incompatible charger overheated. Fire officers tested a standard e-cigarette being charged with a non standard charger, which burst into flames after just 35 minutes.

They have caused more than 100 fires nationwide –resulting in one death –although no reported incidents yet in Shropshire.



Shropshire firefighters are turning rags to riches for the Fire Fighters’ Charity after the successful launch of 13 recycling centres at county fire stations.

For the past six months, the Fire and Rescue Service has been working with the charity to collect textile donations.

Clothes banks at local fire stations have so far raised more than £2,500 for the charity.

Service Co-ordinator Ashley Brown said: " So far the scheme has been a great success with donations steadily increasing.



A total of 25 new firefighter recruits completed their intensive initial training courses at Telford’s firefighter training centre and had “key” qualities including the ability to keep going “when it gets tough” and the physical courage to complete the demands put upon them, said Chief Fire Officer John Redmond, at their "passing out" ceremony held in Shrewsbury.


Firefighters who put out fires and carry out car crash rescues in Shropshire have successfully cut the number of emergencies they attend by more than a third in almost a decade, said the county’s Chief Fire Officer.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service had been “very successful” in its main role to prevent emergency incidents happening through successful public education campaigns working with the help of other organisations, John Redmond told the latest firefighter recruits at their “passing out” ceremony at the Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury tonight. (Monday, November 17th)



The new Deputy Chief Fire Officer of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has been appointed by Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority.

Rod Hammerton, the former Assistant Chief Fire Officer for South Wales, steps up to replace John Redmond, who took over as Chief Fire Officer at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service in the Summer.



People are being urged to be extra vigilant during the firefighters’ four day strike in Shropshire which starts at 6pm on Friday.(October 31)

The Fire Brigade Union (FBU) is involved in a protracted dispute over plans to make firefighters’ work until they are 60 instead of 55, pay more into their pensions and get less in retirement.

Telford and Shrewsbury will be affected as members of the FBU are called to take strike action from Friday evening until Tuesday at 6pm with a scheduled return to work in time for bonfire night.

Shrewsbury Fire Station Open Day

Shrewsbury Fire Station held a successful open day with eye catching demonstrations including a chip pan fire as firefighters and community fire safety officers showcased their skills to display the wide variety of work they do.

A total of 38 adults and children visited the innovative “smoke house” used to educate people of all ages about fire safety and show them how to escape from a potentially life threatening house fire.

Shropshire House Fire Trauma Aid

A unique service giving practical and emotional help to people suffering from the trauma of a house fire, flood or other serious emergency has made a "huge difference" to people's lives since it was launched in Shropshire.

The Red Cross fire and emergency support (FES) service has been called to more than 50 incidents helping scores of people at all times of day and night since it was set up a year ago with the support of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Come along to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service's " Celebrating Diversity Event" in Telford!

Black History Month, Older People’s Day, World Mental Health Day, and Shropshire Rainbow Festival are all happening in October. To help us celebrate these events we are inviting you to visit us at Telford Central Fire Station.

• Look around the Fire Station

• Find out just how scary a chip pan fire can be

• Take part in a smoke tent demonstration

• Find out why the Fire Service believes diversity is so important

• Share some light refreshments

• Get a good look at our high-tech vehicles


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