
Shropshire Fire Crews in Flood hit Lancashire

Fire crews from Shropshire have joined Hereford and Worcester, Lancashire and Cheshire firefighters in pumping thousands of gallons of water away to protect the village of Croston, near Southport, in Lancashire. They were close to the scene where the Chinook helicoper has been dropping 1 tonne sandbags to avert further flooding and fill a gap in flood defences on the River Douglas.

Award For Lifesaving Shropshire Fire Crew


A fire crew from Wem have received an award from the Chief Fire Officer for saving an elderly man’s life on a 999 call.

They also received a big thank you from the man whose life they saved and his grateful wife who visited Wem Fire Station during last night's drill night.

John Luce (76) had collapsed in his back garden and his heart had stopped beating when firefighters raced to use a defibrillator to bring him back to life with seconds to spare.

12 Tips For Festive Fire Safety


Shropshire fire chiefs have something to sing about – and it’s all about fire safety this Christmas.

Chief Fire Officer John Redmond and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Louise McKenzie joined voices with Fire Authority member, Councillor Keith Roberts, to resonate the 12 tips for festive fire safety.

They helped launch Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service’s annual safety campaign aimed at reducing the risk of fires in the home at Christmas and New Year.

“This is the time of the year when we unfortunately tend to get the most serious incidents,” said Mr Redmond.

Shropshire Firefighters in Cumbria Floods Rescue

Shropshire firefighters have been helping to rescue Cumbrian residents stranded in their homes from Storm Desmond.

A Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service boat crew was sent out from Shrewsbury early yesterday and was out helping people from their homes within hours of their arrival.

The six strong crew was accompanied by a senior officer after a request for assistance to deal with the aftermath of a storm which has seen a record level of British rainfall.

Firefighter Recruitment Campaign

Wanted: “Ordinary” people to do an “extraordinary” job in Shropshire.

That is the job description for on call firefighters who respond to 999 calls in their local community.

The latest taster day when would be recruits can find out if they are “up to the challenge” will be held at Minsterley Fire Station on Saturday, November 28.

Men and women from across Shropshire are invited to attend the on call firefighting taster day organised by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Electric Fire Safety Tips


Advice about electrical safety and the importance of registering new electric products was given to Shrewsbury store customers by the fire prevention team of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service as part of Electrical Fire Safety Week.

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority chairman Stuart West joined fire prevention officers and staff at Curry’s store in Meole Brace Retail Park, Shrewsbury, to launch the annual fire safety awareness campaign.

A quarter of all fires in Shropshire homes last year were caused by electrical appliances, they revealed.

Employees Recognised For "Outstanding" Contribution

Employees who have made an “outstanding” contribution to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service were recognised at the Celebration of Success event.

Group Commander Mark Donnelly said: “We want to recognise the achievements of members of the organisation who, through their hard work and diligence, have made an outstanding contribution to the service over the last 12 months.”

Chief Fire Officer John Redmond presented a number of certificates to members of staff.

Trailblazer Novel For Fire HQ Office Worker

An admin assistant at Shrewsbury fire HQ is all “fired up” after her debut crime novel hit number one in the Amazon e-book best seller list.

Author Jenny Blackhurst’s fast paced psychological thriller HOW I LOST YOU has been a sure fire hit with work colleagues at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service and the wider reading public after staying in the number one spot for nearly a month.

“It has all been quite exciting,” said Jenny, who has a Master’s degree in occupational psychology.

New Recruits Join Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Firefighter recruits from Romania and Slovakia have joined Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Martin Tomanek and Bogdan Ciornei are among the latest intake of 23 on call firefighters to pass out at a Celebration of Success event at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, on Monday night. (November 9th)

They include four women firefighters – the highest number to join at the same time to bring the total to 20 across Shropshire.


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