Fire safety

Requests relating to fire safety at work, fire safety in the home and in the community.

Planning application at Maddock's Hill Quarry Fieldwork Centre


Friday, 13 October, 2023


Tuesday, 7 November, 2023

Request detail: 

RE: Planning application at Maddock's Hill Quarry Fieldwork Centre, Telford, TWC/2021/0190

I am requesting all correspondence that you have had to date with Telford Council regarding fire safety and access for this planning application. Please provide, for example, all records and copies of phone calls, emails, letters, documents and in-person meetings.



Wednesday, 6 September, 2023


Thursday, 28 September, 2023

Request detail: 

This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request relates to the number of incidents in which ‘hoarding’ played a part. For avoidance of doubt, we are defining hoarding as the accumulation of possessions in one’s home, often to an extreme and impractical degree.

In the last 5 years, how many incidents have your Fire and Rescue Service been called out to attend, where hoarding was identified?

Please break down the data as follows:

1st July 2018 – 30th June 2019

1st July 2019 – 30th June 2020

Electronic building plans - high rise buildings


Thursday, 20 July, 2023


Thursday, 20 July, 2023

Request detail: 

I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following:
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, came into force on 23 January 2023. Since its implementation, how many up-to-date electronic building plans and information on the design and materials of external walls have you received in relation to high rise buildings in your jurisdiction?
How many up-to-date electronic building plans and information on the design and materials of the external wall did you receive in relation to high rise buildings in your jurisdiction in 2022?

Planning application


Thursday, 25 May, 2023


Monday, 19 June, 2023

Request detail: 

Please release all of the correspondence that you have had to date with Telford Council on consultation relating to this planning application (e.g. fire engine access, availability of water, arrangements, regulations etc.) - Maddock's Hill Quarry Fieldwork Centre, Telford

Alterations/enforcement/prohibition notices


Wednesday, 10 May, 2023


Monday, 15 May, 2023

Request detail: 

I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request:

To ask the fire service how many alterations notices have been issued in the past five years? Please break down per year.

To ask the fire service how many enforcement notices have been issued in the past five years? Please break down per year.

To ask the fire service how many prohibition notices have been issued in the past five years? Please break down per year.


Grenfell Phase 1 Inquiry


Thursday, 27 April, 2023


Thursday, 11 May, 2023

Request detail: 

With reference to the recommendations of the Grenfell Phase 1 Inquiry, specifically Chapter 33 Section 12 Evacuation (33.22) parts B and G, please can you advise what Shropshire FRS have implemented with regards to:

33.22 B - policies and training for the partial or full evacuation of a high-rise residential building.

33.22 G - That all FRS are equipped with smoke hoods (also what otherfrontline equipment has been introduced).

Fire safety


Friday, 24 March, 2023


Thursday, 20 April, 2023

Request detail: 

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the

- How many freestanding countertop electric convection ovens (aka "air
fryers") did you purchase in the last 12 months? How much did these cost in
total? In that period, how many were given free of charge to members of the
public after you attended/responded to fires at their properties and what did
these cost in total?

Enforcement of Means of Escape under the Fire Safety Order


Wednesday, 15 March, 2023


Monday, 20 March, 2023

Request detail: 

1. The number of low, medium and high-rise residential buildings in your area (or your current/best estimate of them) covered by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

2. The total number of deficiency and/or enforcement notices served to the owners of these buildings relating to means of escape (Articles 14(2)(b) & 15 (1)(b)), since July 2021 to the date of this FOI

Hotel Fire Safety Audits


Thursday, 2 March, 2023


Monday, 6 March, 2023

Request detail: 

I am writing to make a request for all the information to which I am entitled
under the The Freedom of Information Act 2002. Please may you provide me with
information concerning the fire and rescue service, answering the following:
How many fire safety audits have been undertaken at hotels in each of the
last six financial years, including the current financial year to date?

2022/23 to date

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