Donnington Partnership press release

On 4th October the Asda Donnington store was the location for part 2 of Donnington Partnership's successful Operation Clean sweep Three E campaign, which was a day of providing Education, all things to do with the Environment and information about Enforcement tools used against persistent offenders.

A large number of service-providers including Telford & Wrekin Council, West Mercia Police, Neighbourhood Watch, Shropshire Fire and Rescue more

Shropshire fire crews have "one of the best" search and rescue training grounds in the UK - thanks to a county firm.

Yard manager Simon Huntington piled 3,500 tons of broken concrete onto a series of re-inforced pipes placing steel girders and roofing sheets on top to recreate a major building collapse. He made a two metre shaft and used concrete slabs to block up the interconnecting tunnels for firefighters to cut their way through during "rescue" scenarios.

The gigantic mound more

Is Your Child Worth £3? Wake Up Get A Smoke Alarm - this is just one of many important fire safety messages being given to schoolchildren as part of a major classroom initiative launched by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Fire crews are "adopting" schools in Shrewsbury and Telford to teach children valuable lessons in fire safety, hoax calls and arson along with other vital, potentially lifesaving safety issues under the newly launched Adopt A School programme.

More than more

Six casualties were successfully "rescued" when a fire was reported in the basement of a historic building as part of a training exercise staged by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The scenario was part of a major operation launched by firefighters to practice their skills, test water supplies and get home the message that all county owners of listed buildings must prepare for such a disaster.

Hawkstone Hall Pastoral & Study Centre at Marchamley, near Shrewsbury, an more

Clun firefighters will show how they cut free people trapped in the mangled wreckage of their cars after a road crash during a Community Safety Open Day being held in Clun in October.

Their skills will be demonstrated in a bid to cut the number of road accidents in the area. A total of 31 people needed to be cut free from their wrecked vehicles by firefighters in the South Shropshire area in the past year.

The event, from 10am to 4pm at Clun Memorial Hall on Saturday, October more

A new fire engine for Wem Fire Station has been welcomed by the town's civic leaders.

Wem Mayor Nancy Wilson and leading Councillor Chris Mellings have both paid tribute to the town's firefighters who were in need of a new fire appliance which will boost firefighting and road crash rescue duties for the brigade.

Councillor Wilson, who was involved in handing over the town's last fire engine 11 years ago when she was also town mayor, said: "It is a real co-incidence that I was more

Craven Arms has got a brand new fire engine - and now it wants more firefighters to prevent potentially "dire" consequences in a serious daytime blaze, warned Shropshire's Fire Chief Alan Taylor.

"We now have 12 firefighters at Craven Arms but we need more here and at Much Wenlock and Albrighton. Some of the crew work out of town during the daytime and it takes 15 to 20 minutes for a fire engine to get here from Church Stretton or Ludlow. That could be too late," he said.

Area more

An elderly Telford man and his pet were rescued from his blazing property on Monday evening.

Fire Control received a 999 call around 10pm and crews from Telford were sent to the scene in Sutton Hill where on arrival at the scene they found the incident to be a domestic garage fully involved in fire.

Shortly before the crews arrived, Fire Control received a 999 call to say a man was believed to inside the building at the rear of the garage. This information was passed to the more

Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority has launched an "extensive" public consultation exercise to get feedback on proposed changes to the service outlined in their draft integrated risk management action plan for 2008/09.

The plan details progress with the Fire Authority's main priorities up to March 2009 which are the implementation of the findings of an in depth review of the retained firefighter's duty system, provision of fire safety education in rural parts of the county and a more

Five people were "trapped" and ancient artefacts put in jeopardy when one of Shropshire's historical buildings set on fire in a practice exercise staged by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The scenario was part of a major operation launched by firefighters to practice their skills, test water supplies and get home the message that all county owners of listed buildings must prepare for such a disaster.

Adcote School at Little Ness, near Baschurch, built in 1879 for the great more


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