
Buckets and sponges at the ready for firefighters charity

Whitchurch firefighters in action cleaning cars for charity at the town’s fire station

Shropshire firefighters armed with buckets and sponges have been taking part in the national Firefighters Charity car wash at fire stations across the county every Saturday in March.

They are raising hundreds of pounds for the charity which gives respite, recuperation and rehabilitation to sick or injured firefighters and their families.

Women's Institute partnership working

Guy Williams from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service thanks Neen Savage Women’s Institute for their partnership working.

In April 2013 SFRS approached Shropshire WI to establish a partnership which could utilise the excellent links the WI has especially in rural communities.

Very quickly Neen Savage WI became the fore runners for this new partnership and with some basic training and appropriate supplies the ladies were soon out and about in the local community establishing who had or didn’t have working smoke alarms.

Women who want to be firefighters

Station Manager Neil Groves (Centre) with Hodnet firefighter Ruth Walkerdine (left) and Watch Commander Debbie Davies with 12 women who attended the firefighter "taster"session at Craven Arms fire station over the weekend

Women who want to be firefighters turned out for a “taster” session at a Shropshire fire station.

High Sheriff sees the heights with Lord Lieutenant

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Andy Johnson with Diana Flint, Sir Algernon Heber-Percy, Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority chairman Stuart West and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Louise Mckenzie

Shropshire’s Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff had an elevated view in an Aerial Ladder Platform as part of a tour of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Firefighters rescue farmer skewered by metal spike

Posing to camera in front of tractor in a barn

A happy ending: Air ambulance paramedic Kerry Hemas with farmer Graham Heatley holding the spike that speared him with firefighter John Deakin at the farm at The Grange, Lyneal, near Ellesmere, Shropshire

Shropshire firefighters were faced with an extraordinary rescue operation when a farmer accidentally impaled himself onto a 45 centimetre long tractor fork.

Arson in Shrewsbury

At 12:59am Saturday 1st March 2014 fire crews were called out to an empty commercial premises in Ennerdale Road, Shrewsbury. A fire had been deliberately set in the front doorway of the premises.

Two crews from Shrewsbury and a Fire Investigations Officer attended the scene, together with West Mercia Police.

If anyone has any information about this incident they are asked to contact West Mercia Police on 101, or make contact with CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111.

Deliberate car fires

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service have been called out to two car fires in the last two days.

The first incident was at 09.43am Thursday 27th February 2014, in Darliston, Hollinswood, Telford, involving a Renault Scenic.

The second incident was reported at 04.09am Friday 28th February 2014 in Sandpits Road Ludlow - a cushion had been set on fire in the front seat.

Both fires were believed to have been started deliberately.

If anyone has any information they are asked to ring West Mercia Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Shropshire firefighters in flood action

Shropshire firefighters have been heavily involved as part of the UK’s national resilience force battling the worst floods to hit the country for many years.

On call fire crews from across the county left their work and families at short notice to be part of the largest mobilisation of the UK’s fire and rescue services since the Second World War.

They have been working day and night in Reading and Staines over the past week pumping water from flooded homes and helping with the rescue efforts.

Buckets and sponges at the ready for charity

Firefighters from across Shropshire will be taking part in the Firefighters Charity national car wash every Saturday in March 2014. The event takes place in March and September each year and raises nationally over £100,000 for injured Fire Fighters and their families.

In September 2013, Shropshire Firefighters from ten different stations raised over £2,500 for the Charity.

The Firefighters Charity is the only national charity which provides respite, recuperation and rehabilitation to sick or injured firefighters and their families.


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