Fire and Rescue Authority

Fire and Rescue Authority

3 May 2016

Meeting rearranged from Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes, attached marked 3, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 24 February 2016, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 3 - Fire Authority Minutes 24 February 2016205.85 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 7 March 2016, attached marked 5.

PDF icon 5 - Brigade Managers' Employment Panel Minutes 7 March 2016135.12 KB
For information
06 Standards and Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards and Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 15 March 2016, attached marked 6.

PDF icon 6 - Standards and Human Resources Committee Minutes 15 March 2016202.53 KB
For information
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 17 March 2016, attached marked 7.

PDF icon 7 - Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes 17 March 2016107.34 KB
For information
08 Fire Authority Work Plan 2016/17

This report, attached marked 8, reviews progress against the Fire Authority's 2015/16 Work Plan and puts forward a 2016/17 Work Plan for consideration and approval by Members.

PDF icon 8 - Fire Authority Work Plan 2016/17345.83 KB
For decision
09 Financial Performance to March 2016

This report, attached marked 9, provides information on the financial performance of the Service, and seeks approval for action, where necessary.

PDF icon 9 - Financial Performance to March 2016167.64 KB
For decision
10 Localism Act 2011

This report, attached marked 10, proposes actions for the Fire Authority following receipt of the notice of retirement from Chief Fire Officer John Redmond.

PDF icon 10 - Localism Act 201194.62 KB
For decision
11 Integrated Risk Management Planning
11a Project 1 Integrated Crewing Model

This report, attached marked 11a, advises Members of the progress made in relation to the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 1 Integrated Crewing Model Project, including the outcomes from consultation on potential changes to the Wholetime Duty System (WDS).  It also seeks approval to progress changes, as recommended by the Project Board.

PDF icon 11a - Project 1 Integrated Crewing Model417.53 KB
PDF icon 11a - Appendix to Project 1 Integrated Crewing Model682.46 KB
For decision
11b Project 2 Fire Control Review

This report, attached marked 11b, advises Members on the progress made in relation to the Fire Control Review Project, including the outcomes from consultation on potential changes to the Fire Control Duty System, and seeks approval to progress changes as recommended by the Strategic Planning Working Group.

PDF icon 11b - Project 2 Fire Control Review629.19 KB
PDF icon 11b - Appendix to Project 2 Fire Control Review366.47 KB
For decision
11c Fire Brigades Union Response to IRMP (1 and 2) Action Plans

This paper, attached marked 11c, outlines the Fire Brigades Union's position in relation to Integrated Risk Management Plans 1 and 2.

PDF icon 11c - Fire Brigade Union Response to IRMP (1 and 2) Action Plans942.64 KB
For information
11d Project 3 Telford Central Review

This report, attached marked 11d, updates Members on progress with the Telford Central Review Project, presenting the results of the Feasibility Study so that Members can decide which option they wish to take forward for further consideration.

PDF icon 11d - Project 3 Telford Central Review315.84 KB
PDF icon 11d - Appendix A 3.19 MB
PDF icon 11d - Appendix B108.09 KB
PDF icon 11d - Appendix C96.9 KB
PDF icon 11d - Appendix D423.65 KB
For decision
12 Annual Plan 2016/17

This report, attached marked 12, presents the new Annual Plan for 2016/17.

PDF icon 12 - Annual Plan 2016/1724.25 KB
For decision
13 Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 13, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the years 2014/15 and 2015/16.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 13 - Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm1.67 MB
For information
14 Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. Articles of Association

This report, attached marked 14, presents the draft Articles of Association, for Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd.  As the sole Shareholder for the Company, the Fire Authority is asked to consider and, if appropriate, approve these Articles.

PDF icon 14 - Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. Articles of Association175.66 KB
PDF icon 14 - Appendix Articles of Association453.37 KB
15 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 110A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
16 The Future of Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. (Paragraph 3)

This report, attached marked 3, seeks a decision from the Fire Authority on the future of Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. following the resignation of the Technical Sales Manager and the potential impact this could have on the Company's performance into the future.

For decision

14 December 2016

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillor Mrs Barrow.

02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 5 October 2016, attached marked 3, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 3 - Fire Authority Minutes 5 October 2016188.46 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Meeting Schedule 2017

A schedule of proposed dates for 2017 meetings of the Fire Authority and its committees is attached, marked 5, for approval.  It is intended that this is revisited at the Annual Meeting of the Fire Authority in June 2017, as new Members may have been appointed, following the Annual Meetings of Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Councils.  At this time officers will present a schedule from June 2017 to May 2018, which will tie in with the planning of meetings by the two Councils.

PDF icon 5 - Meeting Schedule 201774.49 KB
For decision
06 Standards and Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards and Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 18 October 2016, attached marked 6.

PDF icon 6 - Standards and Human Resources Committee Minutes 18 October 2016162.24 KB
For information
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 10 November 2016, attached marked 7, and consider and decide upon the recommendations at item 5.  The report relating to these recommendations is attached, marked 7a.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 6 - Provisions, Reserves and Funds, and 7 - 2015/16 and Later Years Revenue and Capital Budgets are attached as the appendix to report 8 – 2017/18 and Later Years Budget Summary on this agenda and will form the basis of discussion at item 8.

PDF icon 7 - Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes 10 November 2016162.72 KB
PDF icon 7a - Financial Performance to September 2016, including Annual Treasury Review 2015/16 and Mid-Year Treasury Review 2016/17227.63 KB
For decision
08 2017/18 and Later Years Budget Summary

This report, attached marked 8, summarises the budgets that are proposed by the Strategy and Resources Committee.  The results are put forward to the Fire Authority for approval as the basis for consultation, leading to a final decision at the Fire Authority meeting in February 2017.

PDF icon 8 - 2017/18 and Later Years Budget Summary687.21 KB
For decision
09 Review of Financial Regulations

This report, attached marked 9, asks members to consider and agree the draft Financial Regulations and the updated virement and debt write off levels, following officer review.

PDF icon 9 - Review of Financial Regulations170.59 KB
PDF icon 9 - Appendix Financial Regulations849.98 KB
For decision
10 Injury Awards - Identification of Overpayment

This repor, attached marked 10, sets out the results of work that has been done to check the accuracy of injury award payments to retired firefighters.

PDF icon 10 - Injury Awards - Identification of Overpayments142.8 KB
For decision
11 Integrated Risk Management Planning Update

This report, attached marked 11, updates Members on the progress made against its Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) Projects and, in relation to IRMP 3, seeks approval from Members for the current feasibility study to be updated to reflect the additional opportunities identified for working with Warwickshire and West Mercia Police.

PDF icon 11 - Integrated Risk Management Planning Update142.7 KB
For decision
12 Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 12, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during April to November 2016.  The papers also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 12 - Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm1.66 MB
For information
13 Local Government Act 1972

Members have a discretion to exclude the press and public from meetings of the Fire Authority in defined circumstances.  In view of the nature of business to be transacted, it is recommended that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, having been satisfied in all the circumstances of the case that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing this information, that Members formally resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

For decision
14 Appointment of Deputy Chief Fire Officer (Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3)

This report, attached marked 14, asks the Fire Authority to ratify the decision of its Brigade Managers' Employment Panel on the appointment of a new Deputy Chief Fire Officer.

For decision

5 October 2016

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the disussion of, or voting on, any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Public Questions

Members are asked to recieve any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.



04 Minutes
04a 15 June 2016

Members are asked to agree the minutes, attached marked 4a, of the Fire Authority Annual Meeting, held on 15 June 2016, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 4a Fire Authority Annual Meeting Minutes 15 June 2016222.66 KB
For decision
04b 28 June 2016

Members are asked to agree the minutes, attached marked 4b, of the Extraordinary Fire Authority Meeting, held on 28 June 2016, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 4b - Extraordinary Fire Authority Meeting Minutes 28 June 201686.29 KB
For decision
05 Audit and Performance Management Committee Minutes

Members are asked to recieve and note the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meetings, held on:

  • 7 July 2016, attached marked 5a; and
  • 15 September 2016, attached marked 5b, and agree the recommendations at items 8, 10 and 11.  The relevant reports are attached marked 5b1, 5bii and 5biii respectively
PDF icon 5a - Audit and Performance Management Committee Minutes 7 July 2016166.52 KB
PDF icon 5b - Audit and Performance Management Committee Minutes 15 September 2016186.82 KB
PDF icon 5bi - Changes to Arrangements for Appointment of External Auditors164.79 KB
PDF icon 5bii - Review of Whistleblowing Policy299.17 KB
PDF icon 05biii - Annual Review 2015/161.12 MB
For decision
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 8 September 2016, attached marked 6, and agree the recommendations at item 6.  A copy of the relevant report is attached marked 6a.

PDF icon 6 - Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes 8 September 2016171.91 KB
PDF icon 6a - Financial Performance to July 2016176.28 KB
For decision
07 Mobile Data Purchasing

This report, attached marked 7, seeks approval to change the means of purchasing mobile data by moving to up-front payment for a bundle (known as a 'super bundle') to support the wider introduction of mobile working within the Service.

PDF icon 7 - Mobile Data Purchasing1.17 MB
For decision
08 Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority Efficiency Plan 2016-20

This report, attached marked 8, presents the draft Efficiency Plan for approval of the Authority, prior to its submission to the Home Office.

PDF icon 8 - Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority Efficiency Plan 2016-20567.38 KB
For decision
09 Integrated Risk Management Planning Projects Update

The Service has three significant Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) projects running through this year.  IRMP 1 and 2 relate to new shift patterns, being introduced for our Wholetime Firefighters and Fire Control staff, and IRMP 3 relates to the redevelopment of our Telford Central fire station and training complex.

IRMP 1 and 2 aim to reduce our Wholetime staffing costs by up to £400k and to improve efficiency in our Fire Control function by up to £300k, by 2020.  Negotiations on the required Collective Agreements are now at an advanced stage, with the representative bodies currently seeking feedback from their members on the two draft documents.  If agreement is reached over the coming weeks, then the new shift systems should be in place for January 2017.

In relation to the IRMP 3 project, the Service is exploring all opportunities for joint collaboration with its partners, to ensure the Service secures the greatest public value from the significant investment that will be required for the site.  Mindful of the new legal requirement for all blue-light services to collaborate, likely to come into force early next year through the new Police and Crime Bill, Assistant Chief Fire Officer Andy Johnson and Chief Superintendent Charles Hill (West Mercia Police), are exploring all possible opportunities for collaboration between the two services, not only in Telford, but also across the whole of the county. 

This work sits as part of the wider facilities review being undertaken by all of the public services across the county, under the umbrella of the Shropshire Estates Partnership.  Both services recognise this has introduced some delay into the Telford Central project, but are also mindful that a slight delay in the short-term, will hopefully result in significantly increased benefits to the public in the long-term.  Once all options have been fully explored and approved by the two services, then the full requirements specification for the Telford Central development will be known and the project will be able to progress.  This should see work start to progress on the project through the first half of 2017, with completion likely to be during 2019.

Members will receive a more detailed report on this collaboration work, and the impact on the Telford Central project timelines, at its December 2016 meeting.

For information
10 Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 10, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the year 2015/16 and from April to August 2016.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.


PDF icon 10 - Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm1.67 MB
For information

15 June 2016

Annual Meeting

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

Members are asked to elect a Chair for the ensuing year.

For decision
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

Members are asked to appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.

For decision
03 Vote of Thanks and Welcome

There will be a vote of thanks for Councillors Terry Kiernan, Clive Mason and Stephen Reynolds, who left the Fire Authority in May.

The Fire Authority is asked also to welcome back Councillor Leon Murray and to welcome new Members Councillors Steve Barnes and Jane Pinter.

04 Apologies for Absence
05 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on, any matter, in which they have a Disclosabe Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of the debate.

06 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

07 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes, attached marked 7, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 3 May 2016, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 7 - Fire Authority Non-Exempt Minutes 3 May 2016263.72 KB
For decision
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 21 April 2016, which are attached marked 8, and agree the recommendation at item 8b, relating to the Three Year Internal Audit Plan, and at item 11, relating to the Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy.

The reports relating to these items are attached marked 8a and 8b respectively.  In the draft Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Stratetgy, attached marked 8b, proposed additions are shown in bold italics and proposed deletions are struck through.

PDF icon 8 - Audit and Performance Management Committee Minutes183.59 KB
PDF icon 8a - Three Year Internal Audit Plan from 2016/17406.78 KB
PDF icon 8b - Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy265.02 KB
For decision
09 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to recieve and note the non-exempt minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel, held on 3 May 2016, which are attached marked 9.

PDF icon 9 - Brigade Managers' Employment Panel Non-Exempt Minutes 3 May 2016139.46 KB
For information
10 Constitutional Issues
10a Committee Composition and Allocation of Seats to Political Groups

This report, attached marked 10a, asks the Fire Authority to agree both the composition of its Committees and the allocations of seats on its committees to political groups.


PDF icon 10a - Committee Composition and Allocation of Seats to Political Groups205.16 KB
For decision
10b Committee Membership and Constitution

This report, attached marked 10b, asks the Fire Authority to confirm appointments to committees and to the Local Government Association Fire Services Commission and to review and agree the constitution of its committees.

PDF icon 10b - Committee Membership and Constitution611.87 KB
For decision
10c Review of Member Role Descriptions

This report, attached marked 10c, asks the Fire Authority to review and agree Member Role Descriptions.

PDF icon 10c - Review of Member Role Descriptions110.08 KB
PDF icon 10c - Appendix A Fire Authority Member Role Description96.46 KB
PDF icon 10c - Appendix B Chair of Fire Authority Role Description96.83 KB
PDF icon 10c - Appendix C Vice-Chair of Fire Authority Role Description97.29 KB
PDF icon 10c - Appendix D Leader of Main Opposition Groups Role Description97.4 KB
PDF icon 10c - Appendix E Equality and Diversity Champion Role Description97.35 KB
PDF icon 10c - Appendix F Independent Person Role Description including Skills and Competencies118.19 KB
For decision
10d Review of Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation to Officers

This report, attached marked 10d, reviews the Fire Authority's Standing Ordes for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business, Standing Orders relating to Contracts and Scheme of Delegation to Officers and asks Members to consider and decide upon the amendments proposed.

PDF icon 10d - Review of Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation to Officers107.45 KB
PDF icon 10d - Appendix A Standing Orders relating to Proceedings and Business316.16 KB
PDF icon 10d - Appendix B Standing Orders relating to Contracts362.08 KB
PDF icon 10d - Appendix C Scheme of Delegation to Officers153.1 KB
For decision
11 Statement of Accounts 2015/16

This report, attached marked 11, sets out the key revenue issues, which have arisen from work on the Statement of Accounts 2015/16, and seeks approval for the use of the General Fund balance in 2016/17.

PDF icon 11 - Statement of Accounts 2015/16181.64 KB
For decision
12 Strategic Planning Process Timetable 2017/18

This report, attached marked 12, outlines how the Service will continue to align service, financial and improvement planning, the result of which will culminate in the 2017/18 budget, publication of the 2017/18 Annual Plan and an update of the 2015/20 Action Plan, if required.

PDF icon 12 - Strategic Planning Process Timetable 2017/18136.94 KB
For decision
13 Telford Central Redevelopment Programme

The Chair of the Strategic Planning Working Group will give a verbal update on the Telford Central redevelopment programme.

For information
14 Partnership Working

This report, attached marked 14, is an overview of the partnership working being undertaken by the Fire Authority and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

PDF icon 14 - Partnership Working307.18 KB
For information
15 Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 15, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the year 2015/16 and from April to May 2016.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 15 - Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm1.6 MB
For information
16 Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2015/16

This report, attached marked 16, informs Members about the corporate level risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months.

PDF icon 16 - Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2015/16158.39 KB
For information
17 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for items 18, 19 and 20 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
18 Exempt Minutes (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes, attached marked 18, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 3 May 2016, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

For decision
19 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel Exempt Minutes (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 3 May 2016, which are attached marked 19.

For information
20 Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2015/16 (Paragraph 3)

This paper, attached marked 20, is exempt Appendix B to report 16 - Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2015/16.

The meeting will return to open session at this point.

For information
21 Election of Chairs and Appointment of Vice-Chairs to Committees

Members of each of the Fire Authority's Committees, Panels and Working Groups are asked to elect a Chair and appoint a Vice-Chair.

For decision

24 February 2016

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Fire Authority Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes, attached marked 3, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 16 December 2015, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 3 - Fire Authority Minutes 16 December 2015187.01 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Audit and Performance Management Committee Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the non-exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 10 December 2015, attached marked 5.

PDF icon 5 - Audit and Performance Management Committee Non-Exempt Minutes 10 December 2015158.49 KB
For information
06 Strategy and Resources Committee Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive the non-exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 4 February 2016, attached marked 6, and consider, and decide upon, the recommendations at items 5, 7 and 8.

The reports relating to those items are attached, marked 6a, 6b and 6c respectively.

The recommendations at item 6 of the Committee minutes will be considered as part of item 10 on the agenda for this meeting.

Please note that the appendix to paper 6b (Capital Programmes 2016/17 to 2020/21 and Prudential Guidelines) is an exempt document.  It will, therefore, be necessary to move into closed session at this point to consider the recommendation relating to this appendix (paper 10). 

PDF icon 6 - Strategy and Resources Committee Non-Exempt Minutes 4 February 2016147.58 KB
PDF icon 6a - Financial Performance to December 2015169.83 KB
PDF icon 6b - Capital Programmes 2016/17 to 2019/20 and Prudential Guidelines165.64 KB
PDF icon 6c - Adequacy of Reserves and Robustness of Budget588.29 KB
For decision
07 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee Exempt Minutes 10 December 2015 (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 10 December 2015, attached marked 8. 

For information
09 Strategy and Resources Committee Exempt Minutes 4 February 2016 (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 4 February 2016, attached marked 9. 

For information
10 Capital Programme from 2016/17 (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to receive and agree the exempt paper Capital Programme from 2016/17 (the appendix to paper 6b), attached marked 10.


At this point the meeting will revert to open session.

For decision
11 Revenue Budget 2016/17

This report, attached marked 11, incorporates the recommendations made by the Fire Authority’s Strategic Risk and Planning Working Group on 19 January and its Strategy and Resources Committee on 4 February, in relation to the revenue budget for 2016/17.  The report also confirms the use of assumptions for medium-term financial planning.

PDF icon 11 - Revenue Budget 2016/17176.1 KB
For decision
12 Revenue Budget: 2016/17 Precept

This report, attached marked 12, seeks Fire Authority approval to a budget for 2016/17; Council Tax levels for 2016/17; and precepts on billing authorities and related matters.

PDF icon 12 - Revenue Budget: 2016/17 Precept386.59 KB
For decision
13 Annual Plan 2016/17

This report, attached marked 13, sets out proposals for the Service’s Annual Plan 2016/17.

PDF icon 13 - Annual Plan 2016/1789.14 KB
For decision
14 Annual Review of Charges for Special Services 2016/17

This report, attached marked 14, presents proposed increases in charges made for special services.

PDF icon 14 - Annual Review of Charges for Special Services 2016/1773.9 KB
For decision
15 Proposed Amendments to the Pay Policy Statement

This report, attached marked 15, sets out proposed amendments to the Pay Policy Statement for the consideration by the full Authority, as required under the Localism Act 2011 and in accordance with the process agreed by the Fire Authority in February 2012.

PDF icon 15 - Proposed Amendments to the Pay Policy Statement456.97 KB
For decision
16 The Scheme for Payment of Member Allowances 2016/17

This report, attached marked 16, asks the Fire Authority to consider and agree its 2016/17 Scheme for the Payment of Members’ Allowances and also whether a full review of allowances should be carried out during the 2016/17 municipal year.

PDF icon 16 - The Scheme for Payment of Member Allowances 2016/17561.21 KB
For decision
17 Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 17, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the year 2014/15 and from April 2015 to February 2016.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 17 - Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm1.65 MB
For information

7 October 2015

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on, any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Public Questions

Members are asked to recieve any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

04 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes, attached marked 4, of the Fire Authority Annual Meeting, held on 17 June 2015, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 4 - Fire Authority Minutes 17 June 2015256.56 KB
For decision
05 Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meetings, held on:

  • 16 July 2015, attached marked 5a; and
  • 10 September 2015, attached marked 5b, and agree the recommendations at item 5 relating to the transfer of funds from the Service Transformation Programme Staff Reserve into the revenue budget.  A copy of the relevant report is attached marked 5c
PDF icon 5a - Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes 16 July 2015148.57 KB
PDF icon 5b - Strategy and Resources Committee Non-Exempt Minutes 10 September 2015190.05 KB
PDF icon 5c - Financial Performance to July 2015169.95 KB
For decision
06 Audit and Performance Management Committee Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the non-exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meetings, held on:

  • 9 July 2015, attached marked 6i; and
  • 17 September 2015, attached marked 6ii, and agree the recommendations set out below.
PDF icon 6i - Audit and Performance Management Committee Non-Exempt Minutes 9 July 2015224.1 KB
PDF icon 6ii - Audit and Performance Management Commitee Non-Exempt Minutes 17 September 2015241.82 KB
For decision
06a Code of Corporate Govermance 2015/16

Members are asked to agree the recommendation at item 7 of the non-exempt minutes, relating to the Code of Corporate Governance.  A copy of the relevant report is attached marked 6a.

PDF icon 6a - Code of Corporate Governance 2015/16854.15 KB
For decision
06b Review of Whistleblowing Policy

Members are asked to agree the recommendation at item 9 of the non-exempt minutes, relating to the Whistleblowing Policy.  A copy of the relevant report is attached marked 6b.

PDF icon 6b - Review of Whistleblowing Policy298.41 KB
For decision
06c Annual Review 2014/15

Members are asked to agree the recommendation at item 10 of the non-exempt minutes, relating to the Annual Review.  A copy of the relevant report is attached marked 6c.

PDF icon 6c - Annual Review 2014/151.16 MB
For decision
07 Fire Authority Pension Board

This report, attached marked 7, advises of the progress made in establishing the Fire Authority Pension Board for the Firefighter Pension Schemes, as required under The Public Services Pensions Act 2013.  The report also asks the Fire Authority to decide upon the process for appointment of the Pension Board Chair and to consider and agree the Board’s terms of reference.

PDF icon 7 - Fire Authority Pension Board337.12 KB
For decision
08 Review of Standing Orders

This report, attached marked 8, asks Members to consider and agree the amendments to Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business and Standing Orders relating to Contracts, which stand adjourned from the Annual Meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon 8 - Review of Standing Orders491.06 KB
For decision
09 Review of Financial Regulations

This report, attached marked 9, asks Members to consider and agree the draft Financial Regulations, following the major review carried out by officers.

As the appendix to this report is in excess of 50 pages a hard copy has not been included with the meeting papers but can be accessed on the Fire Authority’s website via the following link:

PDF icon 9 - Review of Financial Regulations40.08 KB
PDF icon 9 - Appendix to Review of Financial Regulations837.12 KB
For decision
10 Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers

This report, attached marked 10, reviews the Fire Authority’s Scheme of Delegation to Officers and asks Members to consider and decide upon the amendments proposed.

PDF icon 10 - Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers335.84 KB
For decision
11 Meeting Schedule 2015 and 2016

Members are asked to consider and agree the revised Meeting Schedule for October to December 2015, attached marked 11a, and the draft Meeting Schedule 2016, attached marked 11b.  Once the dates have been agreed, Members are asked to update their diaries accordingly.

PDF icon 11a - Meeting Schedule October to December 201570.76 KB
PDF icon 11b - Meeting Schedule 201670.47 KB
For decision
12 Integrated Risk Management Planning Projects

Officers will give a presentation on the following Integrated Risk Management Planning projects: IRMP 1       - Staffing Model Review, IRMP 2 - Fire Control Review and IRMP 3 - Review of Telford Central site requirements

For information
13 Enabling Closer Working between the Emergency Services Consultation

This report, attached marked 13, provides information on the content of the consultation “Enabling closer working between the Emergency Services” published by HM Government and available at:

PDF icon 13 - Enabling Closer Working between the Emergency Services Consulation1.66 MB
For decision
14 Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 14, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the year 2014/15 and from April to September 2015.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 14 - Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm1.64 MB
For information
15 Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. Board of Directors

This report, attached marked 15, provides an update on membership of the Board of Directors of Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. (SFRMS) and asks the Fire Authority to decide whom it wishes to appoint to fill the current vacancy on the SFRMS Board.

PDF icon 15 - Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd Board of Directors240.91 KB
For decision
16 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
17 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 9 July 2015, attached marked 17.

For information
18 Strategy and Resources Committee Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 10 September 2015, attached marked 18.

For information
19 Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd
19a Going Concern

This report, attached marked 19a, seeks approval from the Fire Authority to support Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd as a going concern, for a period of at least twelve months.  It also presents the results from a recent review of the Company’s current Business Plan, to assist Members in deciding on the above matter.

For decision
19b Use of the 'Service Brand'

This report, attached marked 19b, seeks approval from the Fire Authority for its trading company, Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd, to use the Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service brand and to determine an appropriate charge for such use.

For decision

16 December 2015

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 7 October 2015, attached marked 3, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. 

PDF icon 3 - Fire Authority Non-Exempt Minutes 7 October 2015245.17 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Standards and Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Standards and Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 20 October 2015 attached marked 5, and consider and decide upon the recommendations at item 6 relating to Ethical Framework Matters and at item 7 relating to implementation of the living wage.

PDF icon 5 - Standards and Human Resources Committee Minutes 20 October 2015184.24 KB
For decision
05a Ethical Framework Matters

Members are asked to agree the following, as recommended by the Committee:

  • The revised Code of Conduct, attached marked 5a.  Additions are shown in bold italics and deletions struck through; and
  • To extend the term of office of the Independent Person for a further 4 years.
PDF icon 5a - Revised Code of Conduct156.54 KB
For decision
05b Implementation of the Living Wage

Members are asked to agree the implementation of the Living Wage with effect from 1 October 2015, as recommended by the Committee.  A copy of the report, which was considered by the Committee, is attached marked 5b.

PDF icon 5b - Implementation of the Living Wage1018.06 KB
For decision
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 12 November 2015 attached marked 6, and consider and decide upon the recommendations at item 5.  The report relating to these recommendations is attached, marked 6a.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 6 - Provisions, Reserves and Funds, and 7 - 2015/16 and Later Years Revenue and Capital Budgets are contained within the green papers.  These papers are attached as the appendix to report 7 – 2015/16 and Later Years Budget Summary on this agenda and will form the basis of discussion at item 7.

PDF icon 6 - Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes 12 November 2015163.53 KB
PDF icon 6a - Financial Performance to September 2015, including Annual Treasury Review 2014/15 and Mid-Year Treasury Review 2015/16226.19 KB
For decision
07 2016/16 and Later Years Budget Summary

This report, attached marked 7, summarises the budgets that are proposed by the Strategy and Resources Committee.  The results are put forward to the Fire Authority for approval as the basis for consultation, leading to a final decision at the Fire Authority meeting in February 2016.

Please note the Appendix to the report (the Green Booklet) is attached.

PDF icon 7 - 2016/17 and Later Years Budget Summary99.05 KB
PDF icon 7 - Appendix 'The Green Booklet'481.17 KB
For decision
08 Wide Area Network

This report, attached marked 8, provides an update on the position regarding utilising the Service’s new Wide Area Network for broader public benefit.

PDF icon 8 - Wide Area Network82.12 KB
For information
09 Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 9, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during April to November 2015.  The papers also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 9 - Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm1.65 MB
For information
10 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
11 Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 7 October 2015, attached marked 11, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. 

For decision

29 April 2015

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of or voting on any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes, attached marked 3, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 25 February 2015, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 3 - Fire Authority Non-Exempt Minutes 25 February 2015240.35 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 1 April 2015, attached marked 5, and consider the recommendation at item 6 concerning the Committee Terms of Reference.  A copy of the proposed Committee Terms of Reference is attached marked 5a, with proposed additions shown in bold italics and deletions struck through.

PDF icon 5 - Strategy and Resources Committee Minutes 1 April 201595.22 KB
PDF icon 5a - Strategy and Resources Committee Terms of Reference150.27 KB
For decision
06 Standards and Human Resources Committee
06a Minutes

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Standards and Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 17 March 2015, attached marked 6a, and consider the recommendation at item 8, concerning the Protocol on Gifts and Hospitality.  A copy of the proposed protocol is attached marked 6a(i), with proposed additions shown in bold italics and deletions struck through.

PDF icon 6a - Standards and Human Resources Committee Minutes 17 March 2015136.13 KB
PDF icon 06a(i) - Protocol on Gifts and Hospitality148.59 KB
For decision
06b Dispensation Request

This report, attached marked 6b, asks the Fire Authority to delegate authority to the Clerk and Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chair of the Standards and Human Resources Committee, to consider and decide upon a request for a dispensation, made by the Directors of the Board of Fire Authority controlled company, Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Limited.

PDF icon 6b - Dispensation Request311.05 KB
For decision
07 Fire Authority Work Plan 2015/16

This report, attached marked 7, reviews progress against the Fire Authority's 2014/15 Work Plan and puts forward a 2015/16 Work Plan for consideration and approval by Members.

PDF icon 7 - Fire Authority Work Plan 2015/16283.64 KB
For decision
08 Financial Performance to March 2015

This report, attached marked 8, provides information on the financial performance of the Service, and seeks approval for action, where necessary.

PDF icon 8 - Financial Performance to March 2015190.13 KB
For decision
10 Firefighters' Pension Scheme Delegations

This report, attached marked 10, identifies the discretionary powers of, the Fire Authority under the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme 2015.  The report includes recommendations relating to the delegation of decision-making powers and also puts forward some suggestions for general policies to facilitate the effective implementation of those decisions and powers.

PDF icon 10 - Firefighters' Pension Scheme Delegations487.76 KB
For decision
11 Details of Lives Saves and Those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 11, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the years 2013/14 and 2014/15.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 11 - Details of Lives Saved and Those Protected from Harm2.07 MB
For information
12 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
13 Exempt Minutes (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes, attached marked 13, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 25 February 2015, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

For decision

17 June 2015

Annual Meeting

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

Members are asked to elect a Chair for the ensuing year.

02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

Members are asked to appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.

03 Vote of Thanks and Welcome

There will be a vote of thanks for Councillors Austin, Mrs Bould, Miss Reynolds and Thompson, who left the Fire Authority in May.  Councillor Austin will attend to receive a presentation to mark his contribution to the Fire Authority in the years since its inception.

The Fire Authority is asked also to welcome new Members Councillors Fletcher, Reynolds and Turley (although he will not be attending the meeting) and to welcome Councillor Mason back to the Authority.

04 Apologies for Absence
05 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion of, or voting on, any matter, in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of the debate.

06 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

07 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes, attached marked 7, of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 29 April 2015, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon 7 - Fire Authority Minutes 29 April 2015187.07 KB
For decision
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the non-exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 23 April 2015, which are attached marked 8, and agree the recommendation at item 9, relating to the Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy, and at item 15b, relating to the Fire Industry Association (FIA) complaint.

A copy of the draft Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy is attached, marked 8a (bold italics in this document represent proposed additions and proposed deletions are struck through).

A copy of the report relating to the FIA complaint is attached, marked 8b.

The recommendations at item 5 in the minutes, relating to the Committee’s terms of reference, have been incorporated into report 9b on this agenda.

PDF icon 8 - Audit and Performance Management Committee Non-Exempt Minutes 23 April 2015226.36 KB
PDF icon 8a - Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy226.32 KB
PDF icon 8b - Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. Performance Reporting120.93 KB
For decision
09 Constitutional Issues
09a Committee Composition and Allocation of Seats to Political Groups

This report, attached marked 9a, asks the Fire Authority to agree both the composition of its Committees and the allocations of seats on its committees to political groups.

PDF icon 9a - Committee Composition and Alllocation of Seats to Political Groups213.95 KB
For decision
09b Committee Membership and Constitution

This report, attached marked 9b, asks the Fire Authority to confirm appointments to committees and to the Local Government Association Fire Services Commission and to review and agree the constitution of its committees.

PDF icon 9b - Committee Membership and Constitution645.93 KB
For decision
09c Pension Board Update

The Pension Board has been established as per the report presented to the Fire Authority in February.  Two representatives for each side (employer and employee) have agreed to take on the roles and have been advised they are required to attend the national training, which officers understand is currently being scheduled.  The Pensions Regulator was advised of the current constitution and membership of the Board by the required deadline.

Following research into the role of the Chair and taking into account the wishes of the Authority expressed in February, the Fire Authority is asked to consider whether it now wishes to nominate a Member to sit on the Pension Board.  Any Member, who sits on the Board, will be briefed fully on the conflict of interests between that role and their role as a Member of the Fire Authority, which is the Scheme Manager.

The Fire Authority is asked to consider:

a)    whether it wishes to nominate a Member to the Pension Board; and, if so,

b)    who that Member should be.

If a Member is nominated to the Board, officers will seek to re-balance the membership to an equal number on each side.  This may be done by either removing one current incumbent or running a process to nominate a further representative.


For information
09d Review of Member Role Descriptions

This report, attached marked 9d, asks the Fire Authority to review and agree Member Role Descriptions.

PDF icon 9d - Appendix A Fire Authority Member Role Description96.42 KB
PDF icon 9d - Appendix B Chair of Fire Authority Role Description96.78 KB
PDF icon 9d - Appendix C Vice-Chair of Fire Authority Role Description97.09 KB
PDF icon 9d - Appendix D Leader of Main Opposition Group Role Description97.59 KB
PDF icon 9d - Appendix E Equality and Diversity Champion Role Description97.39 KB
PDF icon 9d - Appendix F Independent Person Role Description including Skills and Competencies117.96 KB
For decision
09e Review of Standing Orders

This report, attached marked 9e, reviews the Fire Authority's Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business and Standing Orders relating to Contracts and asks Members to consider and decide upon the amendments proposed.

In accordance with the Fire Authority's Standing Orders any amendments proposed will stand adjourned until the next meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon 9e - Review of Standing Orders98.54 KB
PDF icon 9e - Appendix Standing Orders relating to Contracts375.85 KB
PDF icon 9e - Appendix A Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business319.65 KB
For decision
10 Statement of Accounts 2014/15

This report, attached marked 10, sets out the key revenue issues, which have arisen from work on the Statement of Accounts 2014/15, and seeks approval for use of the General Fund balance in 2015/16.

PDF icon 10 - Statement of Accounts 2014/15168.26 KB
For decision
11 Strategic Planning Process Timetable 2016/17

This report, attached marked 11, outlines how the Service will continue to align service, financial and improvement planning, the result of which will culminate in the 2016/17 budget, publication of the 2016/17 Annual Plan and an update of the 2015/20 Action Plan, if required.


PDF icon 11 - Strategic Planning Process Timetable 2016/17150.39 KB
For decision
12 Wide Area Network

This report, attached marked 12, provides an update on the progress made to implement the Service’s own Wide Area Network and asks the Fire Authority to consider whether it wishes to commit further time and resources to exploring opportunities, which this may offer.

PDF icon 12 - Wide Area Network167.41 KB
For decision
13 Public Value Review Update

This report, attached marked 13, provides Members with a final summary of all of the achievements of the Fire Authority’s Public Value review undertaken in 2010.

PDF icon 13 - Public Value Review Update259.69 KB
For information
14 Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2014/15

This report, attached marked 14, informs Members about the corporate level risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months.

PDF icon 14 - Corporate Risk Management Annual Report 2014/15132.9 KB
For information
15 Partnership Working

This report, attached marked 15, provides Members with an overview of the partnership working being undertaken by the Fire Authority and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

PDF icon 15 - Partnership Working234.57 KB
For information
16 Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm

This paper, attached marked 16, highlights the number of people, who have been protected from harm, or rescued by operational crews during the year 2014/15 and from April to May 2015.  It also attempts to provide an economic value for the rescue work carried out by the Fire Service.

PDF icon 16 - Details of Lives Saved and those Protected from Harm2.08 MB
For information
17 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3.

For decision
18 Audit and Performance Management Committee Exempt Minutes (Paragraph 3)

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 23 April 2015, which are attached marked 18.

For information
19 Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd. Going Concern (Paragraph 3)

This report, attached marked 19, seeks approval from the Fire Authority to support Shropshire Fire Risk Management Services Ltd as a going concern, for a period of at least twelve months.

For decision
20 Election of Chairs and Appointment of Vice-Chairs to Committees

Members of Committees are asked to elect a Chair and appoint a Vice-Chair.


For decision


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