Fire and Rescue Authority

Fire and Rescue Authority

10 February 2010

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting room before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 16 December 2009, and Fire Authority Extraordinary Meeting, held on 21 December 2009, and that each set be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-627-2010-2-10-03a-cfa-non-exempt-minutes-16-12-09.pdf65.58 KB
PDF icon pdf-627-2010-2-10-03b-cfa-non-exempt-minutes-21-12-09.pdf27.76 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

Members are asked to receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 14 January 2010, and consider the recommendations at items 7 and 10. A copy of the Single Equality Scheme and Action Plan (referred to at item 10) can be found HERE

PDF icon pdf-629-2010-2-10-05-hr-non-exempt-minutes-14-1-10.pdf48.45 KB
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 22 January 2010, and consider the recommendations at items 5 (a copy of the relevant report is attached as an Appendix to the minutes).

PDF icon pdf-630-2010-2-10-06-sr-minutes-22-1-10.pdf245.01 KB
For decision
07 Revenue Budget, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Planning

This report incorporates the recommendations made by the Strategy and Resources Committee on 22 January 2010 for the Authority's 2010/11 budget, updates the figures for changes since then, and outlines the consequences for Medium Term Financial Planning.

The recommendations at items 7 and 8 of the minutes are to be considered as part of item 7 on this agenda.

Please note that reports 7 and 8 should be considered together.

Reports 7 and 8, considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee, are attached to the report at Appendix A and Appendix B respectively.

PDF icon pdf-631-2010-2-10-07-revenue-budget-capital-programme-and-mtfp.pdf1.19 MB
For decision
08 Revenue Budget: 2010/11 Precept

This report seeks Fire Authority approval to a budget for 2010/11; Council Tax levels for 2010/11; and precepts on billing authorities and related matters.

PDF icon pdf-632-2010-2-10-08-revenue-budget-and-capital-programme-2010-11-precept.pdf390.51 KB
For decision
09 Annual Review of Charges - Special Services

This report presents proposed increases in charges made for special services.

PDF icon pdf-633-2010-2-10-09-annual-review-of-charges-special-services-201011.pdf43.51 KB
For decision
10 Selection of Contractor for Shrewsbury Build

At its meeting on 3 July 2009 the Fire Authority approved the use of Telford & Wrekin Borough Council's Contract Procedure Rules in the procurement of a contractor to carry out the refurbishment of Shrewsbury Station. Since then the Council's officers have been managing the tender process in accordance with those Rules on behalf of the Fire Authority.
Under the Rules, tenders over £500,000, which are covered by an approved capital budget, may be accepted by the appropriate Head of Service, following consultation with the Leader/Deputy Leader (Cabinet), or Chairman/Vice-Chairman (Board/Committee) and the acceptance must be reported to the next meeting of the appropriate Cabinet, Committee or Board for information.

The Rules also state that the tender accepted should be in the Council's best interests.

In order to comply as far as is possible with the above rules it is recommended that the Fire Authority agree to delegate authority to the Chief Fire Officer and Treasurer to accept the tender, which is in the Authority’s best interests, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Authority. Once the decision had been made it would be reported to the next meeting of the full Authority. Members are asked to consider and decide upon this recommendation.

For decision
11 Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2010/11

This report seeks Member approval of the proposed contents of the Fire Authority’s 2010/11 Corporate Plan. The Corporate Plan will be supplemented by an Annual Report 2009/10, which will be brought before Members in June 2010 for consideration and approval.

PDF icon pdf-635-2010-2-10-11-fa-corporate-plan-2010-11.pdf78.63 KB
For decision
12 Update on New Dimension Transfer of Assets Agreement

The Department for Communities and Local Government has procured, and allocated to fire and rescue authorities, vehicles and equipment as part of a national capability (known as 'New Dimension') to respond to major disruptive events. The Department now wishes to transfer those assets to individual authorities and has asked them to enter into a Transfer of Assets Agreement.

At its meeting on 16 December 2009, because further information was awaited, the Fire Authority delegated authority to its Strategy and Resources Committee to decide whether the Authority should enter into the Agreement. The Committee met on 22 January and agreed to write to the Department, setting out its continuing concerns regarding the Agreement, and to await the response, before taking any further steps.

For information
13 Member Champion Presentations For information
13a Councillor Dr Jones, Risk Management and Audit Champion, will give a presentation on her work throughout the year.
13b Councillor Minnery, Asset Management and Procurement Champion, will give a presentation on the Shrewsbury Redevelopment Programme.
14 European Commission Road Safety Award

In December 2009, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service received a prestigious European Award for Road Safety, which was presented at a formal ceremony by the European Commissioner for Transport. Although 11 other Fire and Rescue Services competed for the Award, the European Commission felt that Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service’s strategy and activities in road safety displayed the strongest commitment to the reduction of death and injuries from road traffic collisions.

Without the support and contribution of its partners the Service would not have been able to deliver such an effective strategy or wun this prestigious award. This is a clear indication of how effective partnership working can have a dramatic effect on the performance of the Service. Thanks are due to the following partners, who were involved in the strategy:

  • Shropshire Council Road Safety Team
  • Telford & Wrekin Council Road Safety Team
  • West Mercia Police
  • West Mercia Safer Roads Partnership
  • West Mercia Probation
  • The Institute of Advanced Motorists
For information
15 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.

16 Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 16 December 2009, and Fire Authority Extraordinary Meeting, held on 21 December 2009, and that each set be signed by the Chair as a correct record, attached marked 16a and 16b respectively.

For decision
17 Update on Voice/Data Communications, Command and Control Systems Refresh

Officers continue to support the national FiReControl project. In order to ensure, however, that local systems are sufficiently viable and robust to cut over to the Regional Control Centre (currently scheduled for January 2012) the Service has identified the preferred bidder for the Interim Fire Control Room System. The procurement process followed the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) route for competitive tendering. The consultation process with staff is ongoing and a decision on the location of the Interim Control Room is expected at the beginning of March 2010.

For information

16 December 2009

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 14 October 2009, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-601-2009-12-16-03-cfa-minutes-14-october-2009.pdf56.74 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

05 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the items 6, 7 and 8 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4.

06 Voice/Data Communications, Command and Control Systems Refresh

This report endeavours to set out, in a non-technical manner, the current and growing difficulties facing the Fire Authority and Service in respect of existing radio voice / data communications systems and the associated obsolescent
Command and Control equipment.

07 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel – Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 23 November 2009.

08 Audit and Performance Management Committee Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 26 November 2009.

09a Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 26 October 2009, attached marked 9a, and to consider, and decide upon, the recommendations at item 11 b) bullet point 3.

PDF icon pdf-607-2009-12-16-09a-standards-minutes-26-october-2009.pdf53.7 KB
For decision
09b Annual Report of the Standards Committee

This report advises of the work carried out by the Fire Authority's Standards Committee during the municipal year 2008 / 2009.

PDF icon pdf-608-2009-12-16-09b-annual-report-of-standards-committee.pdf46.09 KB
For information
10 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 12 November 2009, attached marked 10, and to consider, and decide upon, the recommendations at item 7. For decision.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 5 (2010/11 and Later Years Revenue and Capital Budgets) are contained within the green booklet (attached as an appendix to Report 16 - 2009/10 and Later Years Budget Summary) and will form the basis of discussion at item 16 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-609-2009-12-16-10-strategy-and-resources-minutes-12-november-2009.pdf54.86 KB
For decision
11 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel

Members are asked to receive and note the non-exempt minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 23 November 2009.

PDF icon pdf-610-2009-12-16-11-bmep-minutes-23-november-2009.pdf37.36 KB
For information
12 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive the non-exempt minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 26 November 2009, attached marked 12, and consider, and decide upon, the recommendations at item 5, relating to Role Descriptions. The Role descriptions for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee and for the Member Champion for Risk Management and Audit are attached marked 12a, 12b and 12c respectively.

PDF icon pdf-611-2009-12-16-12-ampm-minutes-26-november-2009.pdf158.32 KB
For decision
13 Members' Roles and Remuneration

This report outlines the changes in roles of various Members of the Fire Authority, and specifically those of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Integrated Risk Management Planning Working Group, in recent years. It advises of the
outcome of the review of Members' allowances, conducted by the Independent Panel, and asks the Fire Authority to consider and decide upon the recommendations put forward by the Panel. The report also asks the Fire Authority to consider and decide whether a third person be invited to join the Independent Panel. Finally, the report asks the Fire Authority to agree the 2010/11 Scheme for the Payment of Members' Allowances.

PDF icon pdf-612-2009-12-16-13-members-roles-and-remuneration.pdf318.62 KB
For decision
14 Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation Results

This report advises of the outcome of an extensive, three-month consultation on the Fire Authority's Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Proposed Actions document for 2010/11, and seeks approval for changes to these proposals as recommended by the IRMP Members' Working Group, as result

of consultation feedback. In addition, the report seeks approval for the Strategic Risk and Planning Working Group to progress the 2010/11 IRMP process to the implementation phase.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Shropshire & Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority are aware of several technical omissions from the documents attached to this agenda item. The nature of these omissions may have the potential to affect any decision pertaining to this item and therefore action is being taken to rectify the situation.
PDF icon pdf-613-2009-12-16-14-irmp-consultation-results.pdf78.55 KB
PDF icon pdf-613-appendix-a-irmp-staff-consultation-response.pdf560.43 KB
PDF icon pdf-613-appendix-b-irmp-public-and-stakeholder.pdf1.14 MB
PDF icon pdf-613-appendix-c-irmp-presentations.pdf48.03 KB
PDF icon pdf-613-appendix-d-irmp-fbu-response.pdf486.86 KB
For decision
15 New Dimension Asset Transfer

This report summarise the Authority's current position over the transfer of New Dimension assets from the Department for Communities and Local Government to local Fire and Rescue Services, including assets to this Authority.

PDF icon pdf-614-2009-12-16-15-nd-asset-transfer.pdf545 KB
For decision
16 2010/11 and Later Years Budget Summary

This report summarises the budgets that are proposed by the Strategy and Resources Committee. These are updated for subsequent events. The results are put forward to the Fire Authority for approval as the basis for consultation, leading to a final decision at the Fire Authority meeting on 10 February 2010.

PDF icon pdf-615-2009-12-16-16-2010-11-and-later-years-budget-summary.pdf409.37 KB
For decision
17 Financial Contingency ('What If') Planning for 2010/11

This report sets before Members the results of the 2010/11 planning meetings as they applied to 'what if' financial planning.

PDF icon pdf-616-2009-12-16-17-financial-contingency-what-if-planning.pdf47.32 KB
For decision
18 Comprehensive Area Assessment 2009 Results (Embargoed until 9 December 2009)

This report informs Members of the recently issued results arising from the 2009 Comprehensive Area Assessment regime. As the results are embargoed by the Government until 9 December, this report will follow marked 18. For information.

PDF icon pdf-617-2009-12-16-18-caa-2009-results.pdf600.42 KB
For information
19 European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci)

This report acts as a summary report regarding the Leonardo Staff Exchange Programme 2009, and seeks Member endorsement of proposals for a further submission for European Commission (EC) funding to support a new programme for 2010.

PDF icon pdf-618-2009-12-16-19-ec-lifelong-learning-programme.pdf60.96 KB
For decision
20 Member Champion Presentation

Dr Jean Jones will give a presentation on her work this year as the Member Champion for Risk Management and Audit. For information.

For information

22 May 2009

Extraordinary Meeting

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Appointment of Interim Vice-Chair

The current Vice-Chair, Councillor Mrs Holyoak, will retire from the Fire Authority with effect from 4 June 2009. From that date until its Annual Meeting on 3 July the Fire Authority will not, therefore, have a Vice-Chair. Furthermore, the position of the Chair is uncertain, because of the forthcoming elections to Shropshire Council. In order to maintain some continuity it is proposed that an interim Vice-Chair be appointed from Telford & Wrekin Council to hold office from 4 June until immediately after the appointment of Vice-Chair at the Annual Meeting on 3 July 2009. Members are asked to consider this proposal and, if in agreement, to appoint an interim Vice-Chair.

For information
01a Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence from Members unable to attend the meeting

02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting room before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Appointment of Chief Fire Officer

To receive a report of the Human Resources Manager, advising the Fire Authority of the current position on the appointment of a new Chief Fire Officer.

For information
04 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of the paragraphs specified against it.

For information
05 Appointment of Chief Fire Officer (Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3)

To receive a verbal report from MPCG, the Consultants managing the process, on the recommendation of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel regarding appointment to the post of Chief Fire Officer. For decision.

For information

14 October 2009

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority Annual Meeting, held on 3 July 2009, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-583-2009-10-14-03-fire-authority-minutes-3-july-2009.pdf86.57 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 3 September 2009, attached marked 5, and consider the recommendations at items 9, 10 and 13.

A separate report relating to the recommendations at item 11 of the minutes is to be considered at item 11 on the agenda for this meeting.

PDF icon pdf-585-2009-10-14-05-human-resources-minutes-3-september-2009.pdf56.72 KB
For decision
06 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 10 September 2009.

PDF icon pdf-586-2009-10-14-06-audit-and-performance-minutes-10-september-2009.pdf79.45 KB
For information
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 23 September 2009, attached marked 7, and consider the recommendations at items 7, 9 and 10. The reports relating to items 7, 9 and 10 are attached, marked 7a, 7b and 7c respectively.

A separate report relating to recommendations a) and b) at item 7a is to be considered at item 12 on the agenda for this meeting.

PDF icon pdf-587-2009-10-14-07-strategy-and-resources-minutes-23-september-2009.pdf309.08 KB
For decision
08 West Midlands Regional Management Board

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB) meeting, held on 23 July 2009, and consider the recommendations at items 18/09 and 20 to 23/09.

The individual reports relating to all of the above recommendations can be found on the WMRMB website at:

If you require a hard copy of any of these documents, please contact Amanda Thomson, Management Support Officer, at Headquarters on 01743 260225.

PDF icon pdf-588-2009-10-14-08-WMRMB-minutes-23-july-2009.pdf80.76 KB
For decision
09 Proposed Meetings Schedule 2010

A schedule of proposed dates for 2010 meetings of the Fire Authority and its committees is attached, marked 9, for approval. For information the agreed 2009 meeting dates are included in the schedule.

PDF icon pdf-589-2009-10-14-09-meeting-dates-2009-10.pdf31.98 KB
For decision
10 Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and of Standing Orders

The purpose of this report is for Members to receive and note the amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders, which were agreed at, and stand adjourned from, the Annual Meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-590-2009-10-14-10-review-of-scheme-of-delegation-to-officers-and-of-standing-orders.pdf37.51 KB
For information
11 Committee Rationalisation

This report proposes the merger of several committees of the Fire Authority, following recommendations made by the Human Resources Committee at its meeting on 3 September 2009. The report also asks Members to make various decisions relating to those recommendations.

PDF icon pdf-591-2009-10-14-11-committee-rationalisation.pdf172.22 KB
For decision
12 Role of the Integrated Risk Management Planning Working Group

This report seeks the Fire Authority's approval to recommendations made by its Strategy and Resources Committee on the role of the Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) Members' Working Group.

PDF icon pdf-592-2009-10-14-12-role-of-irmp-working-group.pdf73.76 KB
For decision
13 Code of Corporate Governance 2009/10

This report introduces a new Code of Corporate Governance to the Fire Authority for consideration and adoption.

PDF icon pdf-593-2009-10-14-13-code-of-corporate-governance-2009-10.pdf262.48 KB
For decision
14 Member Champions

Equality and Diversity Presentation

The Fire Authority's Equality and Diversity Champion, Councillor Dr Jones, will give a presentation on her work over the past year. For information.

Information and Communications Technology Champion

At its Annual Meeting in July the Fire Authority agreed to delegate the appointment of the Information and Communications Technology Champion to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair. An appointment has not yet been
made, however, and the Fire Authority is, therefore, asked to make an appointment to this position and, on the recommendation of our auditors, to widen the role to include responsibility for data quality. The existing Role
Description is attached, marked 14, showing proposed additions regarding data quality in bold italics. For decision.

For information
15 Annual Report of the Audit and Performance Management Committee

This report advises of the work carried out by the Fire Authority's Audit and Performance Management Committee since October 2008.

PDF icon pdf-595-2009-10-14-15-annual-report-of-audit-and-performance.pdf85.29 KB
For information
16 Supporting Local Area Agreements across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin 2009 - 2011

This report, through the attached paper, sets out the current position of the Authority and its Service in supporting the Local Area Agreements for both Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin areas.

PDF icon pdf-596-2009-10-14-16-supporting-laas-across-shropshire-and-t-and-wrekin-2009-2011.pdf312.68 KB
For decision
17 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as
defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1 and 2.

For information
18 Human Resources Committee - Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 3 September 2009, attached marked 18. For information.

For information

03 July 2009

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

To elect a Chair for the ensuing year.

For information
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.
At its Annual Meeting last year, the Fire Authority agreed to suspend Standing Order No 2: 'In the year when the Chair is a Member of Shropshire County Council the Vice Chair shall be a Member of Borough of Telford & Wrekin and vice versa' until the next Annual Meeting of the Authority. Dependent on who is proposed as Vice-Chair, it may be necessary for the Authority to consider whether Standing Order No 2 should again be suspended.

For information
03 Introductions and Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillors Dr Jones and Dr Winchester.

For information
04 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
05 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 29 April 2009, and of the Extraordinary Meeting, held on 22 May 2009, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-555-2009-07-09-05a-non-exempt-minutesd-29-april-2009.pdf64.02 KB
PDF icon pdf-555-2009-07-03-05b-non-exempt-minutes-22-may-2009.pdf25.58 KB
For information
06 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
07 Constitutional Issues For information
07 Process for Dealing with Brigade Managers' Pay

This report informs the Fire Authority of the review of the process for undertaking Brigade Managers' pay negotiations. It makes a number of recommendations in the light of the review.

PDF icon pdf-558-2009-07-03-07a-process-for-dealing-with-brigade-managers-pay.pdf123.65 KB
For decision
07 Member Appointments and Constitution of Committees

This report asks the Fire Authority to agree appointments to Committees, appointment of Member Champions and the Terms of Reference for each of its Committees. It also seeks the appointment of a representative on the Local Government Association (LGA) Annual Assembly and Fire Service Forum.

For decision.

PDF icon pdf-559-2009-07-03-07b-member-appointments-and-constitution-of-committees.pdf220.12 KB
For decision
07 Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and of Standing Orders

This report reviews the Fire Authority's Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders and asks the Authority to agree proposed amendments.

In accordance with the Fire Authority's Standing Orders any amendments proposed will stand adjourned until the next meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-560-2009-07-03-07c-review-of-scheme-of-delegation-to-officers-and-of-standing-orders.pdf290.21 KB
For information
07 Review of Member Role Descriptions

This report requests Members to review, and agree proposed amendments to, the Fire Authority's existing Member Role Descriptions and agree the new Role Descriptions for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee.

PDF icon pdf-561-2009-07-03-07d-review-of-member-role-descriptions.pdf589.85 KB
For decision
08 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting held on 21 May 2009, attached marked 8a, and agree the recommendation at item 6, relating to the financial planning timetable for 2010/11, which is attached marked 8b for approval.

PDF icon pdf-562-2009-07-03-08a-strategy-and-resources-committee-21-may-2009.pdf42.56 KB
For information
09 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 28 May 2009.

For information.

PDF icon pdf-563-2009-07-03-09-human-resources-committee-28-may-2009.pdf34.26 KB
For information
10 Member Champion Presentation

Councillor West was due to give a presentation to the Fire Authority on his work as Vulnerable Persons Champion. In view of the lengthy agenda for this meeting the presentation has, however, been postponed.

For information
11 Statement of Accounts 2008/09 and Budget

This report presents the Statement of Accounts 2008/09 for approval by the Authority, and seeks specific approval to a number of virements from the General Fund in 2009/10.

PDF icon pdf-565-2009-07-03-11a-statement-of-accounts-2008-09.pdf43.1 KB
For decision
11 Wide Area Network Upgrade

This report sets out proposals and revenue consequences to upgrade the Service's existing wide area communications network.

PDF icon pdf-566-2009-07-03-11b-wide-area-network-upgrade.pdf28.6 KB
For information
12 Annual Governance Statement

This report asks the Fire Authority formally to approve the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) 2008/09, which must be included as part of the Statement of Accounts 2008/09. It also asks Members to formally approve the AGS Improvement Plan 2009/10.

For decision.

PDF icon pdf-567-2009-07-03-12-annual-governance-statement-2008-09.pdf130.73 KB
For information
13 Medium Term Financial Plan

This report seeks the Fire Authority's approval to the contents and publication of the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2009/10 to 2013/14.

PDF icon pdf-568-2009-07-03-13-medium-term-financial-plan-2009-10-to-2013-14.pdf33.45 KB
PDF icon pdf-568-2009-07-03-13-appendix-medium-term-financial-plan-2009-10-to-2013-14.pdf1.54 MB
For information
14 Formula Grant Review

This report informs Members of the current review of the Fire and Rescue Relative Needs Formula used in the formula grant distribution system. It also proposes some basic responses to five questions raised by Communities and Local Government concerning options for a new formula.

PDF icon pdf-569-2009-07-03-14-formula-grant-review.pdf37.09 KB
For decision
15 Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

This report requests Members to agree and adopt the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy for the Fire Authority, following the annual review conducted by officers.

PDF icon pdf-570-2009-07-03-15-anti-fraud-and-corruption-strategy.pdf446.99 KB
For decision
16 Integrated Strategic Planning Process 2010/11

This report outlines how the Service will continue to align service, financial and improvement planning, the result of which will culminate in the publication of the 2010/11 Corporate Plan.

PDF icon pdf-571-2009-07-03-16-integrated-strategic-planning-process-2010-11.pdf55.49 KB
For decision
17 Integrated Risk Management Planning

This report advises Members of the progress made towards implementing the Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) Action Plan 2009/10. The report also asks Members to approve the IRMP 2010/11 Proposed Actions document and to consider and, if appropriate, approve the IRMP Consultation Strategy 2010/11.

PDF icon pdf-572-2009-07-03-17-integrated-risk-management-planning.pdf8.21 MB
For decision
18 Shrewsbury Refurbishment - Procurement Approach

This report seeks approval for the recommended procurement approach for the Shrewsbury Station redevelopment.

PDF icon pdf-573-2009-07-03-18-shrewsbury-refurbishment-procurement-approach.pdf45.18 KB
For decision
19 Annual Report 2008/09

This report seeks Member approval of the proposed contents and format of the Fire Authority Annual Report 2008/09.

PDF icon pdf-574-2009-07-03-19-annual-report-2008-09.pdf6.13 MB
For decision
20 Partnerships Annual Report

This report provides Members with an overview of the partnerships currently held on the Partnership Register and underlines any outstanding achievements through partnership working. The report also highlights the good practice that was identified during the internal audit by Shirehall and informs the Fire Authority of future developments.

PDF icon pdf-575-2009-07-03-20-outcomes-of-partnership-working.pdf232.73 KB
PDF icon pdf-575-2009-07-03-20-appx1-outcomes-of-partnership-working.pdf392.05 KB
PDF icon pdf-575-2009-07-03-20-appx2-outcomes-of-partnership-working.pdf279.98 KB
PDF icon pdf-575-2009-07-03-20-appx3-outcomes-of-partnership-working.pdf62.54 KB
For information
21 Corporate Risk Management Summary

This is the fourth Annual Corporate Risk Management Summary Report to Members. These reports aim to inform members about the corporate level risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months, as well as summarising the risk environment in which the service is currently operating.

PDF icon pdf-576-2009-07-03-21-corporate-risk-management-summary.pdf149.76 KB
For information
22 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on ht grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4.

For information
23 Corporate Risk Management Summary - Exempt Information (Paragraphs 3 and 4)

The Authority will have received an open session report, which summarised its current exposure to corporate risk. This report supplements that one, as it contains information that is exempt from publication by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A.

Attached marked 23. For information.

For information
24 Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 29 April 2009, and of the Extraordinary Meeting, held on 22 May 2009, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

Attached marked 24a and 24b respectively. For decision

For information
25 Human Resources Committee (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

Members are asked to receive and note the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 28 May 2009.

Attached marked 25. For information.

For information

29 April 2009

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting room before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 11 February 2009, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-520-2009-04-29-03-non-exempt-minutes-11-february-2009.pdf53.05 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 26 February 2009, and agree the recommendations at items 4 and 7 (full financial details of the latter are provided in the Treasurer's Report 14).

PDF icon pdf-522-2009-04-29-05-human-resources-committee-26-february-2009.pdf37.16 KB
For decision
06 Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 2 March 2009, and agree the recommendation at item 12b.

PDF icon pdf-523-2009-04-29-06-standards-committee-2-march-2009.pdf44.83 KB
For decision
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 5 March 2009.

PDF icon pdf-524-2009-04-29-07-strategy-and-resources-committee-5-march-2009.pdf39.66 KB
For information
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting held on 12 March 2009, attached marked 8, and agree the recommendations at items 6 and 9. A copy of the proposed terms of reference, which require agreement are attached marked 8a (the
current terms of reference are attached marked 8b). For decision 2 CFA - 29/4/09

PDF icon pdf-525-2009-04-29-08-audit-and-performance-management-committee-12-march-2009.pdf111.49 KB
For decision
08 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter

Members are asked to receive the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter as attached, marked 8c.

PDF icon pdf-526-2009-04-29-08c-annual-audit-and-inspection-letter.pdf618.69 KB
For decision
09 West Midlands Regional Management Board

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB) meeting, held on 30 January 2009, attached marked 9 and agree the recommendations at items 4/09, 11/09 and 12/09.

Individual reports relating to the above recommendations can be found on the WMRMB website at:

If you require a hard copy of any of these documents, please contact: Lynn Ince, Management Support Officer, at Headquarters, on 01743 260225.

PDF icon pdf-527-2009-04-29-09-west-midlands-regional-managment-board-30-january-2009.pdf435.99 KB
For decision
10 Fire Authority Work Plan 2009/10

This report seeks to establish a Work Plan for the Fire Authority for the year May 2009 to April 2010.

PDF icon pdf-528-2009-04-29-10-fire-authority-work-plan-2009-10.pdf98.54 KB
For decision
11 The Scheme for Payment of Members' Allowances 2009/10

This report asks the Fire Authority to agree its 2009/10 Scheme for the Payment of Members' Allowances and to note that the Independent Remuneration Panel will carry out a full review of the Scheme in autumn 2009.

PDF icon pdf-529-2009-04-29-11-the-scheme-for-payment-of-members-allowances-2009-10.pdf28.27 KB
For decision
12 Proposed Member Champion Reporting Dates

At its meeting on 11 February 2009 the Fire Authority asked officers to bring a revised timetable for Member Champion presentations to the April meeting of the Authority to reflect the changes made to 2009 meeting dates. Attached,
marked 12, is a proposed presentation timetable.

PDF icon pdf-530-2009-04-29-12-proposed-member-champion-reporting-dates.pdf18.23 KB
For decision
13 Integrated Risk Management Planning Members' Working Group Update

This report presents the proposed strategic Integrated Risk Management Plan, which clearly sets out and identifies the key priorities for Integrated Risk Management Planning over the next three-year period. In addition the report also presents the findings and recommendations from the recent reviews carried out in respect of water safety and the provision of aerial appliances within Shropshire.

PDF icon pdf-531-2009-04-29-13-integrated-risk-management-planning-members-working-group-update.pdf2.06 MB
For decision
14 Outlook for 2008/09 Final Accounts and 2009/10 Budget

This report updates the Authority on prospects for closing the 2008/09 Accounts and on other events that are likely to impact on the 2009/10 Budget. It also seeks approval to virements recommended by its Committees.

PDF icon pdf-532-2009-04-29-14-outlook-for-2008-09-final-accounts-and-2009-10-budget.pdf81.56 KB
For decision
15 Investment and Treasury Management Policy

This report updates the Authority on Treasury Management issues as at 31 March 2009, and in the light of responses to the Icelandic banks crisis.

PDF icon pdf-533-2009-04-29-15-investment-and-treasury-management-policy.pdf83.58 KB
For decision
16 Analysis of Audit Commission National Report - Rising to the Challenge: Improving Fire Service Efficiency

This report acts a supplement to the previous paper brought before Members on 11 February 2009 in respect of the Audit Commission publication 'Rising to the Challenge: Improving Fire Service Efficiency.' The previous report sought Member approval for officers to undertake further analysis of the Commission's report and the results of the analysis are set out herewith.

PDF icon pdf-534-2009-04-29-16-analysis-of-audit-commission-national-report-rising-to-the-challenge-improving-fire-service-efficiency.pdf2.26 MB
For information
17 Comprehensive Area Assessment 2009 - Overview

This report informs Members of the recently launched Comprehensive Performance Assessment process introduced by the Audit Commission. The new assessment process for fire and rescue authorities replaces the Comprehensive Performance Assessment regime.

PDF icon pdf-535-2009-04-29-17-comprehensive-area-assessment.pdf73.01 KB
For decision
18 Equality and Diversity Update

Following the achievement of Level 3 of the Equality Standard for Local Government in August 2008, the Service commenced work on a self-assessment against Level 4. An external consultant supported the self-assessment process and on 12 March 2009 confirmed that the Service satisfies the requirements of Level 4. The Steering Group has since tasked the Equality and Diversity Officer with collating the evidence used within the self-assessment into a single document, which will be endorsed by the consultant and presented to Policy Group. Officers are extremely pleased to have made such rapid progress and to have achieved Level 4 just six months after completing Level 3. For information.

For information
19 Member Champion Presentation

Councillor Phil Box, Information, Communications and Technology Champion, will give a presentation to the meeting. For information.

For information
20 FiReControl and FireLink Update

The FiReControl project is moving forward and Communities and Local Government (CLG) will complete the next financial analysis of the business case within a few months. The West Midlands Regional Control Centre is due to begin fit out of information and communications technology equipment in May. The Fire Authority's Officers are fully engaged with discussions around the recruitment of our current staff into the Regional Control Centre along with all relevant human resource management issues. The Local Authority Controlled Company Board has been presented with a new enlarged staffing model that will increase the costs set out in the CLG business case significantly. The proposals will come to the Fire Authority before any agreement is made to increase costs. The FiReLink project locally is not running to schedule with further delays in switching over from the existing digital radio system to the new Government provided one. We do, however, maintain the full functionality of our current excellent system. For information.

For information
21 Telford and Wellington Fire Stations

This report enables the Authority to consider proposals for the redevelopment of Telford and Wellington Fire Stations, and to consider future funding requirements.

PDF icon pdf-539-2009-04-29-21-telford-and-wellington-fire-stations.pdf40.09 KB
For decision
22 Summary of Outcomes from Brigade Managers' Employment Panel

This report summarises the outcomes of the recent meeting of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel.

PDF icon pdf-540-2009-04-29-22-summary-of-outcomes-from-brigade-managers-employment-panel.pdf34.4 KB
For information
23 Local Government Act 1972

Members are asked to consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4.

For information
24 Exempt Minutes (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 11 February 2009, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Attached marked 24. For decision.

For information
25 Human Resources Committee (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

Members are asked to receive the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 26 February 2009. Attached marked 25. For information.

For information

11 February 2009

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 17 December 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-501-2009-02-11-03-minutes-17-december-2008.pdf57.54 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 22 January 2009 and consider the recommendations at items 5 and 10. (the paper relating to item 5 is attached to the minutes as an appendix) Reports 9 and 11 from that meeting are attached as appendix A to report 9 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-503-2009-02-11-05-strategy-and-resources-minutes-22-january-2009.pdf459 KB
For decision
05 Human Resources Committee

To receive a public summary of the exempt minutes of part 2 of the Human Resources Committee meeting held on Thursday, 4 December 2008, which commenced at 2.00 pm.

PDF icon pdf-504-2009-02-11-05a-human-resources-committee-4-december-2008.pdf17.68 KB
For information
06 Changes to Member Appointments and Meeting Dates

This report requests the Fire Authority to agree to changes in member appointments following the resignation of Lt Col Allen from the Fire Authority. It also requests the Fire Authority to decide how the Authority meetings that were due to be held in June and July 2009 should be rescheduled.

PDF icon pdf-505-2009-02-11-06-changes-to-member-appointments-and-meeting-dates.pdf51.47 KB
For decision
07 Member Champion Reporting Dates

Attached, marked 7, for agreement by the Fire Authority, is a schedule, giving proposed dates for Member Champions to present their annual reports to the Authority.

PDF icon pdf-506-2009-02-11-07-member-champion-reporting-dates.pdf18.24 KB
For decision
08 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme

Budget Recommendations 2009/10
This report incorporates the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee on 22 January 2009 for the Authority's 2009/10 budget and precept, and updates the figures for any changes that have taken place since then. In addition the outcome of the consultation process is reported. (Reports 9 and 11 considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee are attached as Appendix A to the report).

PDF icon pdf-507-2009-02-11-08-revenue-budget-and-capital-programme-budget-recommendations-2009-10.pdf968.61 KB
For decision
09 Revenue Budget: 2009/10 Precept

This report seeks Fire Authority approval to a budget for 2009/10; Council Tax levels for 2009/10; and precepts on billing authorities and related matters.

PDF icon pdf-508-2009-02-11-09-revenue-budget-and-capital-programme-2009-10-precept.pdf101.22 KB
For decision
10 Annual Review of Charges - Special Services

This report presents proposed increases in charges made for special services.

PDF icon pdf-509-2009-02-11-10-annual-review-ofcharges-special-services.pdf385.75 KB
For decision
11 Audit Commission National Report - Rising to the Challenge: Improving Fire Service Efficiency

This report informs Members of national research conducted by the Audit Commission and reported during December 2008 in their publication entitled 'Rising to the Challenge: Improving Fire Service Efficiency.' It also provides a brief analysis of which areas for forcing out further efficiencies (as identified by the Commission) are available to Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority.

PDF icon pdf-510-2009-02-11-11-audit-commission-national-report-rising-to-the-challenge-improving-fire-service-efficiency.pdf119.98 KB
For decision
12 Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2009/10

This report seeks Member approval of the proposed contents of the Fire Authority's 2009/10 Corporate Plan. The Corporate Plan will be supplemented by an Annual Report 2008/09, which will be brought before Members in June 2009 for consideration and approval.

PDF icon pdf-511-2009-02-11-12-fire-authority-corporate-plan-2009-10.pdf82.22 KB
For decision
13 Integrated Risk Management Planning

Members' Working Group Update
This report presents Members with a summary of the Public Stakeholder Scrutiny Panels conducted by Opinion Research Services during January 2009. A full presentation including feedback and the questions and answers posed at the two consultations held in Shrewsbury and Ludlow was delivered by officers to the Integrated Risk Management Planning Members working Group on 22 January 2009.

PDF icon pdf-512-2009-02-11-13-integrated-risk-management-planning-members-working-group-update.pdf796.57 KB
For information
14 Member Champion Presentation

Councillor David Minnery, Civil Resilience Champion, will give a presentation to the meeting. For information.

For information
15 FiReControl and FireLink Update

This report updates Members on current activity surrounding the national FiReControl and FireLink projects.

PDF icon pdf-514-2009-02-11-15-firecontrol-and-firelink-update.pdf33.04 KB
For decision
16 Wellington Accommodation Update

A decision on funding for the TCAT development is still awaited from the Learning and Skills Council, and is now expected in March 2009. TCAT are progressing with the project and have submitted a detailed planning application for the new college buildings, including use of our land and construction of a new fire station. TCAT are also submitting a planning application for the use of the Telford Whitehouse Hotel as temporary fire station accommodation. TCAT have agreed to underwrite the costs incurred in reaching a legal agreement on the transfer of land in the event that the scheme does not progress and work on this is ongoing. Verbal update only. For information.

For information
17 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1 and 2.

For information
18 Brigade Manager Personal Request (Paragraphs 1 and 2)

This report asks Members to consider a personal request received from a Brigade Manager. Attached marked 18. For decision.

For information

20 December 2006

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillor Davies.

For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the minutes of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority meeting, held on 18 October 2006, and that they be signed as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-289-2006-12-20-03 - Minutes 18-10-06.pdf46.97 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Standards Committee

To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 11 October 2006.

PDF icon pdf-291-2006-12-20-05 - Standards Minutes 11-10-06.pdf36.13 KB
For information
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 16 November 2006, and agree the recommendations at items 6.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 6 (the 2007/08 to 2009/10 Revenue and Capital Budgets) are contained in the green booklet and will form the basis of the discussion at item 16 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-292-2006-12-20-06 - S-R Minutes 16-11-06.pdf30.08 KB
For decision
07 Human Resources Committee

To receive the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 November 2006.

To agree the recommendations at:

  • Item 6 - People Strategy. Attached marked 7a
  • Item 7 - Disability Equality Scheme. Attached marked 7b
  • Item 12 - Member Development Plan. Attached marked 7c
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07 - HR Non-exempt minutes 21-11-06.pdf37.06 KB
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07a - People Strategy.pdf1.95 MB
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07b - Disability Equality Scheme.pdf633.32 KB
PDF icon pdf-293-2006-12-20-07c - Member Development Plan.pdf33.37 KB
For information
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 7 December 2006.

PDF icon pdf-294-2006-12-20-08 - A-PMC Draft Minutes 7 December 2006.pdf36.1 KB
For information
09 West Midlands Regional Management Board

To receive the minutes of the WMRMB meeting, held on 27 October 2006 and agree the recommendations at items 49/06.

PDF icon pdf-295-2006-12-20-09 - RMB Minutes 27-10-06.pdf76.03 KB
For decision
10 Member Champion Presentations For information
10 Older People's Champion

The Member Champion for Older People (Councillor Mrs Swift) will give her first presentation to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-297-2006-12-20-10a - Presentation.pdf479.08 KB
For information
10 Young People's Champion

The Member Champion for Young People (Councillor Dr Drummond) will give her first presentation to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-298-2006-12-20-10b - Presentation.pdf1.87 MB
For information
10 Information and Communications Technology Update

At the last meeting of the Fire Authority it was agreed that Councillor Box, as Member Champion for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), should identify a list of issues to be reported upon in future presentations to Members.

Whilst the Fire Authority faces many challenges in the field of ICT and data management, the three strategic issues that represent a priority are:

  • Securing enhanced levels of resilience to the Service's existing Fire Control fallback arrangements, providing for business continuity, should the necessity arise to evacuate the Shrewsbury site
  • Managing effectively the transition, convergence and integration of existing ICT County based assets and data, to the nationally led Firelink and FiReControl projects
  • Addressing the current shortfalls in data and information systems, through the provision of a performance management/information system supported by robust management practices

If Members are in agreement Councillor Box will, therefore, give future presentations on the above issues. For decision

For information
11 The Regional Fire Control Centre and Local Authority Controlled Company

This report updates Members on the formation of the Local Authority Controlled Company and requests Members to reach agreement on a number of issues relating to the setting up of the Company.

PDF icon pdf-300-2006-12-20-11 - Regional Fire Control and LACC Final.pdf177.67 KB
For decision
12 Retained Review

This report informs Members of the progress of the Retained Review Implementation Project and seeks approval for re-profiling of future investment in the Retained Service to match latest recruitment targets better.

PDF icon pdf-301-2006-12-20-12 - Retained Review Implementation Update.pdf73.19 KB
For decision
13 Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation Results

This report advises Members of the outcome of an extensive three-month period of consultation on the Fire Authority's draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Action Plan for 2007/08, and recommends changes to this document as a result of that consultation. In addition, the report seeks approval for the IRMP Members' Working Group to progress the 2007/08 IRMP process to the implementation phase.

PDF icon pdf-302-2006-12-20-13 - IRMP Consultation Results.pdf1.03 MB
PDF icon pdf-302-2006-12-20-13 Presentation.pdf471.84 KB
For information
14 Review of Members' Allowances

This report advises of the outcome of the review of Members' allowances conducted by the Independent Panel on Members' Allowances.

PDF icon pdf-303-2006-12-20-14 - Review of Members Allowances.pdf97.94 KB
For decision
15 Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme, including Prudential Indicators

This report is part of the regular monitoring process undertaken throughout the year. It details the latest position on revenue and capital budgets, recommending action where necessary, and also monitors the Fire Authority's Prudential Indicators.

PDF icon pdf-304-2006-12-20-15 - Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme including Prudential Indicators.pdf41.09 KB
For decision
16 Revenue Budgets 2007/08 and Projections for Later Years

This report brings together the expenditure proposals considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee, updated for recent changes.

Copies of the Strategy and Resources Committee reports 6 and 6a to 6i (on green paper) are attached for information.

PDF icon pdf-305-2006-12-20-16 - Revenue Budgets 2007-08 and Projections for later years.pdf105.98 KB
For decision
17 Expenditure and Available Resources 2007/08 and Later Years

This report sets out the range of potential expenditure and available resources currently predicted in order that the Fire Authority can decide on its basis of budget consultation, prior to setting its precept in February.

PDF icon pdf-306-2006-12-20-17 - Expenditure and Available Resources 07-08 and later years.pdf30.25 KB
For decision
18 Falck Exchange Programme

The Assistant Chief Fire Officer will give a presentation on the Falck Exchange Programme.

PDF icon pdf-307-2006-12-20-18 - Falck Presentation.pdf3.27 MB
For information
19 Dates for Future Meetings

This report advises Members of the dates proposed for meetings of the Fire Authority and its Committees for 2007/2008.

PDF icon pdf-308-2006-12-20-19 - Dates for Future Meetings.pdf32.85 KB
For decision
20 Quality of Service Survey - Benchmarking After the Incident Survey 2005/06

This report provides benchmarking information to Members of the Fire Authority regarding the 'After the Incident Survey' conducted during 2006.

PDF icon pdf-309-2006-12-20-20 - Quality of Service Survey Benchmarking.pdf37.1 KB
For information
21 The Integrated Clothing Project

This report updates Fire Authority Members on the current position with the Integrated Clothing Project.

PDF icon pdf-310-2006-12-20-21 - Integrated Clothing Project.pdf24.73 KB
For information
22 Co-Responder Legal Case Funding

This report seeks the opinion of the Fire Authority in response to the request made by the Employers in paragraph 7 of Circular EMP/15/06 (attached at Appendix A to the report) that Fire and Rescue Services reconsider the manner in which case costs and appeal costs be shared in relation to co-responding.

PDF icon pdf-311-2006-12-20-22 - Co-Responder Legal Case Funding.pdf61.64 KB
For decision
23 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2 and 4.

For information
24 Human Resources Committee Exempt Minutes

(Paragraphs 1 and 2)

To receive the exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 21 November 2006 and agree the recommendation at item 16.

Attached marked 24. For decision

For information
25 Phasing out of Long Service Increment - Update

(Paragraph 4)

This report updates the Fire Authority on the current situation regarding the phasing out of the Long Service Increment, following the decision of the Authority at its meeting on 18 October 2006. Attached marked 25. For information

Please note that Appendix B to this report will be tabled at the meeting.

For information

17 December 2008

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 15 October 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-478-2008-12-17-03-minutes-15-october-2008.pdf41.61 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 27 October 2008.

PDF icon pdf-480-2008-12-17-05-standards-minutes-27-october-2008.pdf38.43 KB
For information
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 13 November 2007.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 6 (2009/10 and Later Years Revenue and Capital Budgets) are contained within the green booklet (attached as an appendix to Report 11 2009/10 and Later Years Budget Summary) and will form the basis of discussion at item 11 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-481-2008-12-17-06-strategy-and-resources-minutes-13-november-2008.pdf42.36 KB
For information
07 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the non-confidential minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 27 November 2008.

PDF icon pdf-482-2008-12-17-07-audit-and-performance-management-minutes-27-november-2008.pdf39.48 KB
For information
08 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 4 December 2008.

PDF icon pdf-483-2008-12-17-08-human-resources-minutes-4-december-2008.pdf34.8 KB
For information
09 Appointment of Clerk and Monitoring Officer and Deputy Clerk and Monitoring Officer

Roger Woliter, the Fire Authority's Clerk and Monitoring Officer will be leaving his post as Head of Legal Services at Telford & Wrekin Council in January 2009. This report recommends that Jonathan Eatough, the officer appointed as his replacement at Telford & Wrekin Council, also be formally appointed as the Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-484-2008-12-17-09-appointment-of-clerk-and-monitoring-officer-and-deputy-clerk-and-monitoring-officer.pdf26.98 KB
For decision
10 Integrated Risk Management Planning Members' Working Group Update

This report advises Members of the progress made by the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Members' Working Group towards identifying and developing the strategic IRMP priorities for the next three year period. In addition it also presents the feedback from the 2009/10 Staff Consultation and an update on ongoing reviews. Members are requested to approve the recommendations made by the Group at their meeting held on 25 November 2008.

PDF icon pdf-485-2008-12-17-10-integrated-risk-management-planning-members-working-group-update.pdf1.12 MB
For decision
11 2009/10 and Later Years Budget Summary

The report summarises the budget position so far, and seeks approval to the basis of consultation during January 2009, leading to a final decision by the Fire Authority on 11 February 2009.

PDF icon pdf-486-2008-12-17-11-2009-10-and-later-years-budget-summary.pdf1.66 MB
For decision
12 West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services Regional Control Centre Update

The Deputy Chief Fire Officer, following on from the Members' briefing session held immediately before the meeting, will provide a verbal update on the Regional Control Centre and Councillor Allen, the Fire Authority's Director on the Board of the FiReControl Local Authority Controlled Company, will provide a verbal update on the recent Board Meeting. For information.

For information
13 Accommodation Schemes Update

This report advises the Fire Authority of the current position with the Shrewsbury and Wellington accommodation schemes.

PDF icon pdf-488-2008-12-17-13-accommodation-schemes-update.pdf29.47 KB
For information
14 Member Champion Presentations

Councillor Jean Jones, Risk Management and Audit Champion, will give a presentation to the meeting. For information.

For information
15 European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci)

15a. Members' Falck Visit
The three Members who visited Falck in October 2008 as part of the Leonardo exchange programme will give a short presentation on their visit. For information.

15b. Chair's Visit to Hungary
The Chair of the Fire Authority will give a short presentation on his recent visit to Hungary as part of the Leonardo Exchange Programme. For information.

15c. European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci)
This paper acts as an interim summary report regarding the Leonardo Staff Exchange Programme 2008, and seeks Member endorsement of proposals for a further submission for European Commission funding to support a new programme for 2009.

PDF icon pdf-490-2008-12-17-15c-european-commission-lifelong-learning-programme.pdf47.14 KB
For decision
16 Cycle to Work Scheme

This report sets out the method of operation of a cycle to work scheme operated by the Fire Authority and recommends that Members agree to the benefits accrued to the Authority, local authority partners and the environment by supporting the introduction of the scheme in to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

PDF icon pdf-491-2008-12-17-16-cycle-to-work-scheme.pdf65.75 KB
For decision
17 Members' Allowances

A verbal update on the current position with Member Allowances will be given to the meeting. For information.

For information
18 Meeting Dates 2009

This document advises Members of the 2009 meeting dates for the Fire Authority and its Committees, as approved by the Fire Authority in December 2007.

PDF icon pdf-493-2008-12-17-18-meeting-dates-2009.pdf29.28 KB
For information
19 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and also on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of information, which the Government has directed should, for the time being, be kept confidential.

For information
20 Exempt Minutes (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 15 October 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Attached marked 20. For decision.

For information
21 Audit and Performance Management Committee (Confidential)

Members are asked to receive and note the confidential minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 27 November 2008. Attached marked 21. For information.

For information
22 Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2007/08 - Preliminary Results (Embargoed) (Confidential)

This report provides Members with an interim summary overview of the Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2007/08, together with the recently released, but currently embargoed, performance results in respect of Direction of Travel and Service Assessment. Attached marked 22. For information.

For information
23 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel

To receive and note the minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel meeting held on 13 November 2008, and agree the recommendation on page 2 of the notes. Attached marked 23. For decision.

For information


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