Fire and Rescue Authority

Fire and Rescue Authority

17 December 2008

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 15 October 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-478-2008-12-17-03-minutes-15-october-2008.pdf41.61 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 27 October 2008.

PDF icon pdf-480-2008-12-17-05-standards-minutes-27-october-2008.pdf38.43 KB
For information
06 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 13 November 2007.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 6 (2009/10 and Later Years Revenue and Capital Budgets) are contained within the green booklet (attached as an appendix to Report 11 2009/10 and Later Years Budget Summary) and will form the basis of discussion at item 11 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-481-2008-12-17-06-strategy-and-resources-minutes-13-november-2008.pdf42.36 KB
For information
07 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the non-confidential minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 27 November 2008.

PDF icon pdf-482-2008-12-17-07-audit-and-performance-management-minutes-27-november-2008.pdf39.48 KB
For information
08 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 4 December 2008.

PDF icon pdf-483-2008-12-17-08-human-resources-minutes-4-december-2008.pdf34.8 KB
For information
09 Appointment of Clerk and Monitoring Officer and Deputy Clerk and Monitoring Officer

Roger Woliter, the Fire Authority's Clerk and Monitoring Officer will be leaving his post as Head of Legal Services at Telford & Wrekin Council in January 2009. This report recommends that Jonathan Eatough, the officer appointed as his replacement at Telford & Wrekin Council, also be formally appointed as the Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-484-2008-12-17-09-appointment-of-clerk-and-monitoring-officer-and-deputy-clerk-and-monitoring-officer.pdf26.98 KB
For decision
10 Integrated Risk Management Planning Members' Working Group Update

This report advises Members of the progress made by the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Members' Working Group towards identifying and developing the strategic IRMP priorities for the next three year period. In addition it also presents the feedback from the 2009/10 Staff Consultation and an update on ongoing reviews. Members are requested to approve the recommendations made by the Group at their meeting held on 25 November 2008.

PDF icon pdf-485-2008-12-17-10-integrated-risk-management-planning-members-working-group-update.pdf1.12 MB
For decision
11 2009/10 and Later Years Budget Summary

The report summarises the budget position so far, and seeks approval to the basis of consultation during January 2009, leading to a final decision by the Fire Authority on 11 February 2009.

PDF icon pdf-486-2008-12-17-11-2009-10-and-later-years-budget-summary.pdf1.66 MB
For decision
12 West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services Regional Control Centre Update

The Deputy Chief Fire Officer, following on from the Members' briefing session held immediately before the meeting, will provide a verbal update on the Regional Control Centre and Councillor Allen, the Fire Authority's Director on the Board of the FiReControl Local Authority Controlled Company, will provide a verbal update on the recent Board Meeting. For information.

For information
13 Accommodation Schemes Update

This report advises the Fire Authority of the current position with the Shrewsbury and Wellington accommodation schemes.

PDF icon pdf-488-2008-12-17-13-accommodation-schemes-update.pdf29.47 KB
For information
14 Member Champion Presentations

Councillor Jean Jones, Risk Management and Audit Champion, will give a presentation to the meeting. For information.

For information
15 European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci)

15a. Members' Falck Visit
The three Members who visited Falck in October 2008 as part of the Leonardo exchange programme will give a short presentation on their visit. For information.

15b. Chair's Visit to Hungary
The Chair of the Fire Authority will give a short presentation on his recent visit to Hungary as part of the Leonardo Exchange Programme. For information.

15c. European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci)
This paper acts as an interim summary report regarding the Leonardo Staff Exchange Programme 2008, and seeks Member endorsement of proposals for a further submission for European Commission funding to support a new programme for 2009.

PDF icon pdf-490-2008-12-17-15c-european-commission-lifelong-learning-programme.pdf47.14 KB
For decision
16 Cycle to Work Scheme

This report sets out the method of operation of a cycle to work scheme operated by the Fire Authority and recommends that Members agree to the benefits accrued to the Authority, local authority partners and the environment by supporting the introduction of the scheme in to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

PDF icon pdf-491-2008-12-17-16-cycle-to-work-scheme.pdf65.75 KB
For decision
17 Members' Allowances

A verbal update on the current position with Member Allowances will be given to the meeting. For information.

For information
18 Meeting Dates 2009

This document advises Members of the 2009 meeting dates for the Fire Authority and its Committees, as approved by the Fire Authority in December 2007.

PDF icon pdf-493-2008-12-17-18-meeting-dates-2009.pdf29.28 KB
For information
19 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and also on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of information, which the Government has directed should, for the time being, be kept confidential.

For information
20 Exempt Minutes (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 15 October 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Attached marked 20. For decision.

For information
21 Audit and Performance Management Committee (Confidential)

Members are asked to receive and note the confidential minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 27 November 2008. Attached marked 21. For information.

For information
22 Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2007/08 - Preliminary Results (Embargoed) (Confidential)

This report provides Members with an interim summary overview of the Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2007/08, together with the recently released, but currently embargoed, performance results in respect of Direction of Travel and Service Assessment. Attached marked 22. For information.

For information
23 Brigade Managers' Employment Panel

To receive and note the minutes of the Brigade Managers' Employment Panel meeting held on 13 November 2008, and agree the recommendation on page 2 of the notes. Attached marked 23. For decision.

For information

15 October 2008

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillors Mrs Greenaway, Dr Jones and Mellings who are undertaking their visit to Falck, Denmark, as part of the Leonardo programme, this week.

For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Non-Exempt Minutes

Members are asked to agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority Annual Meeting, held on 16 July 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-462-2008-10-15-03-non-exempt-minutes-16-july-2008.pdf61.85 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and of Standing Orders

This report refers to the amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders, which were agreed at, and stand adjourned from, the Annual Meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-464-2008-10-15-05-review-of-scheme-of-delegation-to-officers-and-standing-orders.pdf26.87 KB
For information
06 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 11 September 2008.

PDF icon pdf-465-2008-10-15-06-audit-and-performance-management-committee-minutes.pdf48.48 KB
For information
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 18 September 2008, attached marked 7, and consider the recommendations at items 8, 13 and 14. The report relating to item 8 is attached to the minutes as an appendix.

PDF icon pdf-466-2008-10-15-07-strategy-and-resources-committee-minutes.pdf97.86 KB
For decision
08 West Midlands Regional Management Board

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB) meeting, held on 24 April 2008, and agree the recommendations at items 15/08, 16/08 and 22/08.

The individual reports relating to all of the above recommendations can be found on the WMRMB website at:

If you require a hard copy of any of these documents, please contact Lynn Ince, Management Support Officer, at Brigade Headquarters, on 01743 260225.

PDF icon pdf-467-2008-10-15-08-west-midlands-regional-management-board-minutes.pdf627.1 KB
For decision
09 Financial Planning Strategy 2009/10

This report informs the Authority of the issues raised by the Strategy and Resources Committee in considering their recommendations for a budget strategy for 2009/10.

PDF icon pdf-468-2008-10-15-09-financial-planning-strategy-2009-10.pdf91.82 KB
For decision
10 Minimum Revenue Provision 2007/08 and 2008/09

This report informs the Fire Authority of changes to the regulations governing the amount of revenue provision in respect of capital financing, and presents members with a Minimum Revenue Provision policy for 2007/08 and 2008/09.

PDF icon pdf-469-2008-10-15-10-minimum-revenue-provision-2007-08-and-2208-09.pdf33.69 KB
For decision
11 Small Fires Unit / Limited Access Appliance

This report summarises the review of the requirement for a Small Fires Unit in the South Telford area, arising from the Integrated Risk Management Planning project. It also considers the difficult access issues in areas of Ironbridge and Broseley and the feasibility of combining the Small Fires Unit with a Limited Access Appliance and Landrover pump.

PDF icon pdf-470-2008-10-15-11-small-fires-unit-limited-access-appliance.pdf123.11 KB
For decision
12 Civil Contingencies Act 2004 Update

This report updates members on compliance with the requirements of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, and outlines some of the activities that have been undertaken to reach the current position.

PDF icon pdf-471-2008-10-15-12-civil-contingencies-act-2004-update.pdf128.2 KB
For decision
13 Equality Standard for Local Government

Members will be aware that Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority were assessed against Level 3 of the Equality Standard for Local Government during August 2008. We are pleased to confirm that the Authority has successfully achieved Level 3 and initial feedback indicates that the Authority is operating comfortably at that level. The feedback report has not yet been received, although it is due imminently. The report will be brought to Members' attention upon receipt and Members are asked to determine whether they wish the report to be placed before the Human Resources Committee or for it to come directly to the Fire Authority meeting in December 2008? For decision.

For information
14 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of confidential information.

For information
15 Exempt Minutes (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Members are asked to agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 16 July 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

For information
16 Feedback on Recent Audits (Confidential)

During September 2008 the Fire Authority was audited by representatives of the Audit Commission as part of the Fire and Rescue Service Performance Assessment 2007/08 process. The outcomes of the assessment will not be formally released until later this year, and as a consequence, any interim/informal feedback is subject to embargo restrictions at this time. The Chief Fire Officer will provide Members with a verbal summary of the audit process and, in his opinion, the key issues arising. For information.

For information

16 July 2008

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

To elect a Chair for the ensuing year.

For information
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.

Please note that at its Annual Meeting last year, the Fire Authority agreed to suspend Standing Order No 2 'In the year when the Chair is a Member of Shropshire County Council the Vice Chair shall be a Member of Borough of Telford & Wrekin and vice versa' for one year (i.e. until 18 July 2008). Dependent on who is appointed as Vice-Chair, it may be necessary for the Authority to revisit this decision in relation to the suspension of Standing Order No 2 until the next Annual Meeting.

For information
03 Apologies for Absence For information
04 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
05 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 11 June 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-435-2008-07-16-05-minutes-11-june-2008.pdf44.9 KB
For decision
06 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
07 Member Appointments and Constitution of Committees 2008/09

This report asks the Fire Authority to agree appointments to Committees, appointment of Member Champions and the Terms of Reference for each of its Committees. It also seeks the appointment of a representative on the Local Government Association (LGA) Annual Assembly and Fire Service Forum and asks the Authority to endorse the existing appointment of Councillor Box to the LGA Fire Services Management Committee.

PDF icon pdf-437-2008-07-16-07-member-appointments-and-constitution-of-committees.pdf216.4 KB
For decision
08 Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and of Standing Orders

This report reviews the Fire Authority's Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders and asks the Authority to agree proposed amendments.

In accordance with the Fire Authority's Standing Orders any amendments made will stand adjourned until the next meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-438-2008-07-16-08-review-of-scheme-of-delegation-to-officers-and-of-standing-orders.pdf269.86 KB
For decision
09 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 29 May 2008.

PDF icon pdf-439-2008-07-16-09-audit-and-performance-management-committee-minutes.pdf52.14 KB
For information
10 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the non-exempt minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 5 June 2008 and consider the recommendations at items 4 and 5.

PDF icon pdf-440-2008-07-16-10-human-resources-committee-minutes.pdf29.32 KB
PDF icon pdf-440-2008-07-16-10-tabled-document-human-resources-committee-minutes.pdf289.89 KB
For information
11 Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 16 June 2008.

PDF icon pdf-441-2008-07-16-11-standards-committee-minutes.pdf29.54 KB
For information
12 West Midlands Regional Management Board

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional
Management Board (WMRMB) meeting, held on 24 April 2008, attached marked 12 and agree the recommendations at items 6/08, 8/08, 9/08 and 10/08.

The individual reports relating to all of the above recommendations can be found on the WMRMB website at:

If you require a hard copy of any of these documents, please contact Lynn Ince, Management Support Officer, at Brigade Headquarters, on 01743 260 225.

PDF icon pdf-442-2008-07-16-12-west-midlands-regional-management-board-minutes.pdf420.54 KB
For decision
13 Member Champion Presentations

Councillor Dr Drummond, Young People's Champion, and Councillor West, Vulnerable Persons Champion will give their presentations to the Fire Authority.

For information

PDF icon pdf-443-2008-07-16-13-tabled-document-vulnerable-persons-champion-presentation.pdf406.82 KB
PDF icon pdf-443-2008-07-16-13-tabled-document-young-persons-champion-presentation.pdf662.21 KB
For information
14 Financial Performance to June 2008

This report provides information on the financial performance of the service to date, and seeks approval for necessary action, where necessary.

PDF icon pdf-444-2008-07-16-14-financial-performance-to-june-2008.pdf112.48 KB
For decision
15 Annual Efficiency Statements: Backward Looking 2007/08 and Forward Looking 2008/09

This report seeks the approval of the Authority to the submission of its Backward Looking Annual Efficiency Statement (AES) for 2007/08, and Forward Looking AES for the current year.

PDF icon pdf-445-2008-07-16-15-annual-efficiency-statements-backward-looking-2007-08-and-forward-looking-2008-09.pdf55.78 KB
For decision
16 Integrated Strategic Planning Process 2009/10

This report outlines how the service will continue to align service, financial and improvement planning, the result of which will culminate in the publication of the 2009/10 Corporate Plan.

PDF icon pdf-446-2008-07-16-16-integrated-strategic-planning-process-2009-10.pdf52.36 KB
For decision
17 Consultation on the Distribution of Fire Capital Grant

This report seeks approval to formal comments responding to the Communities and Local Government consultation paper on distributing £78 million of capital grant in 2009/10 and 2010/11.

PDF icon pdf-447-2008-07-16-17-consultation-on-the-distribution-of-fire-capital-grant.pdf35.98 KB
For decision
18 Integrated Risk Management Planning<br />Outcomes of the Fire Cover Review for Shropshire

This report provides Members with details of the outcomes from the 'Fire
Cover Review for the remaining areas of Shropshire'. The report also sets out
early work on developing an enhanced support role for resilience and other

In addition to this report, a short presentation, covering the most salient points of the Fire Cover Review, will be given at the meeting to assist Members in their decision making.

PDF icon pdf-448-2008-07-16-18-integrated-risk-management-planning-outcomes-of-the-fire-cover-review-for-shropshire.pdf87.59 KB
PDF icon pdf-448-2008-07-16-18-tabled-document-integrated-risk-management-planning-presentation.pdf561.44 KB
For information
19 Wellington Fire Station Co-location with TCAT

This report advises the Authority of the current position with proposals to colocate Wellington Fire Station in to the new college planned by Telford College of Arts and Technology (TCAT).

PDF icon pdf-449-2008-07-16-19-wellington-fire-station-co-location-with-tcat.pdf38.07 KB
For decision
20 Fire and Rescue Service Equality and Diversity Strategy 2008-2018

This report brings to Members attention the recently launched national Equality and Diversity Strategy for the Fire and Rescue Service for the next ten years; the main areas covered by the strategy, and our responsibilities as defined by it.

PDF icon pdf-450-2008-07-16-20-fire-and-rescue-service-equality-and-diversity-strategy-2008-2018.pdf423.68 KB
For decision
22 Partnerships Annual Report

This report provides Members with an overview of the partnerships currently held on the Partnership Register and underlines any outstanding achievements through partnership working. The report also highlights the good practice that was identified during the internal audit by Shirehall and informs the Fire Authority of future developments.

PDF icon pdf-452-2008-07-16-22-partnerships-annual-report.pdf102.53 KB
For information
23 Annual Report

Members are advised that the Authority's Annual Report and Medium Term Financial Plan have recently been released and may be accessed at the Service's website: A summary of the Annual Report has been published and will be issued to Members at the Authority meeting. The summary Report has been issued to key external stakeholders / stakeholder groups.

PDF icon pdf-453-2007-08-annual-report.pdf1.63 MB
For information
24 European Commission Lifelong Learning 'Leonardo' Gold Award

Members are requested to note that the Service together with its Danish partner Falck, Europe's largest private provider of fire and rescue services, have clinched the prestigious European Commission Lifelong Learning 'Leonardo' Gold Award for quality in an international project. The Anglo-Danish project, funded through the EC's Lifelong Learning Programme, is a unique and innovative partnership that to date has enabled over 50 staff from both organisations to undertake one-week exchange placements, with a further 20 placements planned for 2008. Over 200 short-listed international projects from 27 European countries were judged by the Commission, with the top three nominations in five categories recently invited to Ljubljana to attend an awards ceremony hosted by Slovenia who were the holders of the 2008 European Union Presidency.

For information

For information
25 Corporate Risk Management Summary

This is the third Annual Corporate Risk Management Summary Report to members. These reports aim to inform members about the corporate level risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months, as well as summarising the risk environment in which the service is currently operating.

PDF icon pdf-455-2008-07-16-25-corporate-risk-management-summary.pdf168.15 KB
For information

11 June 2008

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Non- Exempt Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 30 April 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-242-2008-06-11-03-non-exempt-minutes-30 april-2008.pdf54.23 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 22 May 2008.

PDF icon pdf-244-2008-06-11-05-strategy-and-resources-committee-22 may-2008.pdf34.37 KB
For information
06 Review of the Code of Corporate Governance

This report requests Members to agree and adopt the proposed Code of Corporate Governance for Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority, following the annual review conducted by officers.

PDF icon pdf-245-2008-06-11-06-review-of-the-code-of-corporate-governance.pdf166.15 KB
For decision
07 Statement of Accounts 2007/08

This report informs members of the 2007/08 closure of accounts, and asks the Fire Authority to approve formally the statement of accounts 2007/08, attached as an appendix.

PDF icon pdf-246-2008-06-11-07-statement-of-accounts-2007-08.pdf314.76 KB
For decision
08 Annual Governance Statement

This report asks the Fire Authority to formally approve the Annual Governance Statement 2007/08, which must be included as part of the Statement of Accounts 2007/08. It also asks Members to formally approve the Annual Governance Statement Improvement Plan 2008/09.

PDF icon pdf-247-2008-06-11-08-annual-governance-statement.pdf87.81 KB
For decision
09 Annual Report 2007/08

This report seeks Member approval of the proposed contents and format of the Fire Authority Annual Report 2007/08.

PDF icon pdf-248-2008-06-11-09-annual-report-2007-08.pdf2.04 MB
For decision
10 Medium Term Financial Plan 2008-09 to 2011/12

This report seeks the Fire Authority's approval to the contents and publication of the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2008/09 to 2011/12.

PDF icon pdf-249-2008-06-11-10-medium-term-financial-plan-2008-09-to-2011-12.pdf33.21 KB
PDF icon pdf-249-2008-06-11-10-appendix-medium-term-financial-plan-2008-09-to-2011-12.pdf1.21 MB
For information
11 Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy

The Fire Authority's Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy is communicated to all members and staff, and is also available on the Authority's website at

Policies and Strategies

The Strategy has been reviewed by Officers, and the processes detailed within the document are unchanged. Therefore with the exception of budget information and employee numbers, no changes are proposed following the review. For information

For information
12 FiReControl Local Authority Controlled Company<br />Update Report from Director

Councillor Allen, the Fire Authority's Director on the Board of the FiReControl Local Authority Controlled Company, will provide a verbal update on developments. For information

For information
13 Fire and Rescue Service National Framework 2008-11

This report advises Members of the recently released Fire and Rescue Service National Framework 2008-11.

PDF icon pdf-252-2008-06-11-13-fire-and-rescue-service-national-framework-2008-11.pdf58.14 KB
PDF icon pdf-252-2008-06-11-13-appendix-fire-and-rescue-service-national-framework-2008-11.pdf1.05 MB
For information
14 Integrated Risk Management Planning Consultation Schedule and Members' Working Group update

This report provides Members with details of the timetable for the 2009/10 Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) presentations and invitation to attend the fire station IRMP presentations. In addition a verbal update will be given at the meeting by the IRMP Manager on the outcomes of the IRMP Members Working Group meeting held on 10 June 2008, in respect of progress on the 'Fire Cover Review for the remaining areas of Shropshire'.

PDF icon pdf-253-2008-06-11-14-integrated-risk-management-planning-consultation-schedule-and-members-working-group-update.pdf406.04 KB
For information
15 European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci)

This report advises Members of the completed 2007/08 Leonardo Staff Exchange Programme and the successful securing of funds to facilitate a further exchange programme during 2008/09.

PDF icon pdf-254-2008-06-11-15-european-commission-lifelong-learning-programme-leonardo-da-vinci.pdf1.09 MB
For decision
16 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

For information
17 Exempt Minutes

To agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 30 April 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Attached marked 17. For decision

For information

30 April 2008

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Progress with Transition to a Unitary Council in Shropshire

Carolyn Downs, the Chief Executive of Shropshire County Council, will provide a short update on progress with the transition to a unitary council in Shropshire.

For information
02 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence have been received from Councillors Major Coles and Mrs Holyoak.

For information
03 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
04 Minutes

To agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 13 February 2008, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-199-2008-04-30-04-cfa-minutes-13-february-2008.pdf60.01 KB
For decision
05 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
06 Standards Committee For information
06 Minutes

To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee, held on 18 February 2008.

PDF icon pdf-202-2008-04-30-06a-standards-minutes-18-february-2008.pdf33.73 KB
For information
06 Appointment of Non-Elected, Independent Members to the Standard Committee

This report recommends the appointment of two candidates as non-elected, independent members of the Fire Authority's Standards Committee.

PDF icon pdf-203-2008-04-30-06b-appointment-of-non-elected-independent-members-to-the-standards-committee.pdf28.59 KB
For decision
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 6 March 2008.

PDF icon pdf-204-2008-04-30-07-strategy-and-resources-minutes-6-march-2008.pdf35.3 KB
For information
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee For information
08 Minutes

To receive the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 13 March 2008.

PDF icon pdf-206-2008-04-30-08a-audit-and-performance-management-minutes-13-march-2008.pdf51.14 KB
For information
08 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter

The Annual Audit and Inspection Letter is brought to Members for formal approval. Please note that, although the document has 'Draft' marked across it, it is the final version.

PDF icon pdf-207-2008-04-30-08b-annual-audit-and-inspection-letter-2006-2007.pdf500.93 KB
For decision
09 Financial Monitoring and Review

This report, one in a regular sequence, informs the Fire Authority of the financial performance since the previous report, or in the last quarter, whichever period is shorter. It seeks approval for any necessary action, where appropriate.

PDF icon pdf-208-2008-04-30-09-financial-monitoring-and-review.pdf50.32 KB
For decision
10 Appointment of Clerk and Monitoring Officer and Deputy Clerk and Monitoring Officer

Sue Kembrey, the Fire Authority's Clerk and Monitoring Officer has recently taken up a new appointment and it is, therefore, necessary to put in place interim arrangements until such time as her position is filled at Borough of
Telford & Wrekin.

PDF icon pdf-209-2008-04-30-10-appointment-of-monitoring-officer-and-clerk.pdf26.68 KB
For decision
11 Lead Member Presentation

Councillor Allen, Lead Member for Procurement and Asset Management, will give his annual presentation to the Fire Authority.

For information

For information
12 National Framework and Equality Strategy

Officers had hoped to be able to present the National Framework and Equality
Strategy to Members at this meeting, as they were due to be issued at the beginning of April. An enquiry to Communities and Local Government has, however, revealed that their publication has now been delayed until the end of
May 2008.

For information

For information
13 Equality Standard for Local Government

This report provides Members with information and an update on progress of activity to meet the Equality Standard for Local Government.

PDF icon pdf-212-2008-04-30-13-equality-standard-for-local-government.pdf449.13 KB
For information
14 Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2008/09

This report informs Members of the recently published Fire Authority Corporate Plan 2008/09. The Plan replaces the existing Best Value Performance Plan 2007/08. The Corporate Plan will be supplemented by an Annual Report 2007/08, which will be brought before Members in June 2008 for consideration and approval.

PDF icon pdf-213-2008-04-30-14-fire-authority-corporate-plan-2008-09.pdf476.36 KB
PDF icon pdf-213-2008-04-30-14-appendix-b-fire-authority-corporate-plan-2008-09.pdf2.42 MB
For information
15 Integrated Risk Management Plan - Members' Working Group Update

This report advises Members of the progress made by the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Members' Working Group (the Group) towards the implementation of the improvements required by the Authority's IRMP Action
Plan 2008/09. It also asks Members to approve the recommendations made by the Group at their meeting held on 10 April 2008 and seeks delegated authority for the Group to approve the draft Action Plan 2009/10 and commence this year's IRMP consultation process.

PDF icon pdf-214-2008-04-30-15-integrated-risk-management-plan-members-working-group-update.pdf76.8 KB
For decision
16 FiReControl Local Authority Controlled Company

Full Business Case

Following feedback from the Local Government Association and other stakeholders, Ministers have agreed to release the next version of the full business case in June rather than March 2008, as was previously agreed. At this time it should be possible to provide information on current control rooms' operating costs and a number of other important assumptions, such as the staffing model, the facilities management contract and group services. A
business case Assumptions Review Group is being established to provide assurance that the assumptions are prudent and credible. The Group will be chaired by Mr Jerry Willmott, the Chair of Wiltshire Fire Authority, and will include other members of the Project Board, Senior Operational Group and the key delivery working groups. Representatives will be drawn from all nine regions. For information

Appointment of Alternative Director to FireControl Local Authority Controlled Company

This report recommends that Members appoint an Alternative Director to the FireControl Local Authority Controlled Company to represent the Fire Authority when its nominated Director, Cllr Allen, is unable to attend, thus ensuring that the Authority always has representation. Attached marked 16. For decision

Update Report from Director

Cllr Allen, the Fire Authority's Director on the Board of the FireControl Local Authority Controlled Company, will provide a verbal update on developments.
For information

PDF icon pdf-215-2008-04-30-16-appointment-of-alternative-director-to-firecontrol-local-authority-controlled-company.pdf51.93 KB
For decision
17 Environmental Management System Certification

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has achieved the ISO14001:2004 standard for environmental management for all activities at all of its sites.
Officers believe that this is first Fire and Rescue Service to achieve this certification. A copy of the certificate is attached, marked 17.

ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management and requires an organisation to assess and understand fully its total environmental impact, identify improvements and monitor their effectiveness.

Working to the ISO standard has enabled the Service to understand clearly its environmental impact and take practical and cost-effective steps to minimise harm, while continuing to provide services to the community.

PDF icon pdf-216-2008-04-30-17-environmental-management-system-certification.pdf278.47 KB
For information
18 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act, by virtue of Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

For information
19 Retained Firefighters and the Part-Time Workers Regulations - Tribunal Outcome

This report informs Members about the outcome of the court case regarding Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations.

Attached marked 19. For information

For information

19 December 2007

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 17 October 2007, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-3-2007-12-19-03 - CFA Minutes 17.10.07.pdf63.86 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Constitution of Standards Committee

This report informs Members of the forthcoming changes to the ethical framework that applies to elected Members and seeks permission to undertake work to ensure compliance with the new procedures contained in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.

PDF icon pdf-5-2007-12-19-05 - Constitution of Standards Committee.pdf33.89 KB
For decision
06 Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and of Standing Orders

This report seeks agreement to the additional amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business, which stand adjourned from the last meeting of the Fire Authority, following the further review requested by Members at the Annual Meeting.

PDF icon pdf-6-2007-12-19-06 - Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and of Standing Orders.pdf139.96 KB
For decision
07 Member Champion Presentations

In view of recent changes in the Councillors acting as various Member Champions and the illness of another there will be no presentations to this meeting. Furthermore, the Fire Authority is asked to consider whether the presentations should be made annually as opposed to every six months, which would in turn reduce the number to be made at each meeting.

For information
08 Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 29 October 2007.

PDF icon pdf-8-2007-12-19-08 - Standards Minutes 29.10.07.pdf34.64 KB
For information
09 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive and note the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 15 November 2007.

Please note that the reports considered by the Committee at item 5 (2008/09 to 2009/10 Revenue and Capital Budgets) are contained within the green booklet (attached as an appendix to report 14d 2008/09 to 2010/11 Summary and Options) and will form the basis of discussion at item 14 on this agenda.

PDF icon pdf-9-2007-12-19-09 - S-R Minutes 15.11.07.pdf43.32 KB
For information
10 Audit and Performance Management Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 22 November 2007, and agree the recommendations at items 5 and 6.

PDF icon pdf-10-2007-12-19-10 - A-PM Minutes 22.11.07.pdf47.09 KB
For decision
11 Human Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 6 December 2007 and agree the recommendations at items 6, 7 and 10.

For information
12 West Midlands Regional Management Board

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB) meeting, held on 25 October 2007, attached marked 12, and agree the recommendations at items 36/07,37/07 and 39/07. For decision

The individual reports relating to all of the above recommendations can be found on the WMRMB website at:

If you require a hard copy of any of these documents, please contact Lynn Ince, Management Support Officer, at Brigade Headquarters on 01743 260225.

PDF icon pdf-12-2007-12-19-12 - WMRMB Minutes 25.10.07.pdf417.12 KB
For information
13 Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation Results

This report updates Members on progress with implementation of the actions in the 2007/08 Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) Action Plan. It advises Members of the outcome of an extensive, three-month period of consultation on the Fire Authority's draft IRMP Action Plan for 2008/09, and recommends changes to these documents as a result of that consultation. In addition, it seeks approval for the IRMP Members' Working Group to progress the 2008/09 IRMP process to the implementation phase.

PDF icon pdf-13-2007-12-19-13 - IRMP Consultation Results.pdf1.09 MB
PDF icon pdf-13-2007-12-19-13 TABLED DOCUMENT IRMP Presentation CFA-Dec07.pdf472.21 KB
For information
14 2008/09 to 2010/11 Capital Report

This report updates the capital programmes which were presented to the Strategy and Resources Committee in November, for more recent information.

PDF icon pdf-15-2007-12-19-14b - 2008-09 to 2010-11 Capital Report.pdf35.03 KB
For decision
14 2008/09 to 2010/11 Service Developments, Efficiencies and Reductions

This report sets out potential service developments that have been identified for the three years of the Public Spending Review. It also deals with efficiencies and service reductions.

PDF icon pdf-16-2007-12-19-14c - 2008-09 to 2010-11 Service Developments Efficiencies and Reductions.pdf35.2 KB
For decision
14 2008/09 to 2010/11 Budget Summary and Options

This report summarises the budget situation so far. It presents the various options for further consideration and consultation during January, leading to a final decision by the Authority on 13 February 2008.

Copies of the Strategy and Resources Committee reports 5 and 5a to 5e (in the green booklet) are attached for information.

PDF icon pdf-17-2007-12-19-14d - 2008-09 to 2010-11 Budget Summary and Options.pdf36.64 KB
PDF icon pdf-17-2007-12-19-14d Appendix.pdf218.1 KB
For information
15 Review of Charges for Special Services

This report provides detail to the Fire Authority about the number and nature of special services requested by the public, and reviews the current tariff for consistency with other brigades, both regionally and nationally.

PDF icon pdf-18-2007-12-19-15 - Review of Charges 2007.pdf985.97 KB
For decision
16 Fire and Rescue Service National Framework 2008-11 Consultation Document

This report brings to the attention of Members the recently issued Fire and Rescue Service National Framework 2008-11, together the supplementary Equality and Diversity Strategy.

PDF icon pdf-19-2007-12-19-16 - National Framework 2008-11.pdf107.77 KB
For decision
17 West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services Regional Control Centre Company Members' Agreement

This report updates Members on the legal documentation required to complete the setting up of the Local Authority Controlled Company, known as 'West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services Regional Control Centre Company'. In particular, the report discusses the Members' Agreement, which is attached as an appendix.

PDF icon pdf-20-2007-12-19-17 - West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services RCC Members Agreement Update.pdf106.75 KB
For decision
18 European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme (Leonardo da Vinci) For information
18 Members' Falck Visit

This report provides an overview of the recent visit to Falck in Denmark of three Members of the Fire Authority and the Chief Fire Officer.

PDF icon pdf-22-2007-12-19-18a - Members Falck Visit.pdf64.06 KB
For information
18 Update on Progress and Proposals

This report appraises Members of progress with the current staff exchange programme facilitated through the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme and sets out proposals for further Member/staff development opportunities during 2008/09.

PDF icon pdf-23-2007-12-19-18b - LLP Leonardo 2008-09.pdf68.08 KB
For decision
19 The Scheme for Payment of Members' Allowances

This report outlines the current position regarding Members' allowances and asks the Fire Authority:
To agree its 2008/09 Scheme for the Payment of Members' Allowances;
To agree a special responsibility allowance for the Member nominated to serve on the West Midlands Fire and Rescue Fire Services Regional Control Centre; and
To note that the Independent Remuneration Panel will carry out a full review of Member allowances in autumn 2008.

PDF icon pdf-24-2007-12-19-19 - Scheme for the Payment of Members' Allowances 2008-09.pdf187.95 KB
For decision
20 Dates of Meetings

This report advises Members of the dates already agreed and proposed for meetings of the Fire Authority and its Committees for 2008 and 2009.

PDF icon pdf-25-2007-12-19-20 - Dates of Meetings.pdf37.19 KB
For information

18 July 2007


Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Election of Chair

To elect a Chair for the ensuing year.

For information
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.

For information
03 Apologies for Absence For information
04 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
05 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 13 June 2007, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-156-2007-07-18-05 - CFA Minutes - 13 June 2007.pdf56.49 KB
For decision
06 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
07 Appointments to Committees

This report requests agreement, from Members, for appointments to Committees and to confirm the appointment of Member Champions / Lead Members.

PDF icon pdf-158-2007-07-18-07 - Appointments to and Constitution of Committees 2007.pdf54.17 KB
For decision
08 Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders

This report requests Members to review and agree the Fire Authority's:
Scheme of Delegation to Officers;
Standing Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings and Business;
Standing Orders relating to Contracts; and
Financial Regulations Standing Orders.
In accordance with the Fire Authority's Standing Orders any amendments made will stand adjourned until the next meeting of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-159-2007-07-18-08 - Review of Scheme of Delegation to Officers and Standing Orders 2007.pdf211.79 KB
For decision
09 Revised Code of Conduct

A revised model code of conduct for elected Members has come into effect following a consultation process. Before the revised code can apply to Members of this authority it needs to be adopted by the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 - Revised Code of Conduct for Members of Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority.pdf41.39 KB
PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 Appendix A Revised Code of Conduct.pdf72.61 KB
PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 Appendix B Revised Code of Conduct.pdf31.47 KB
PDF icon pdf-160-2007-07-18-09 Appendix C Revised Code of Conduct.pdf30.67 KB
For information
10 Human Resources Committee

To receive the minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 7 June 2007 and consider the recommendation at item 4.

PDF icon pdf-161-2007-07-18-10 - HR Minutes 7 June 2007.pdf36.56 KB
For decision
11 Member Champion Presentation

Councillor Dr Drummond, Young People's Champion will give her second presentation to the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-162-2007-07-18-11 - Member Champion Presentation Cllr Drummond.pdf565.87 KB
For information
12 Member Development

This report details the progress in the area of Member development and proposes next steps for future development activity.

PDF icon pdf-163-2007-07-18-12 - Member Development.pdf49.01 KB
For decision
13 Flooding Update

Fire Control Manager Steve Jones will give a presentation on Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service's activity during the recent flooding.

PDF icon pdf-164-2007-07-18-13 - Fire Authority Flooding Presentation 18th July 2007.pdf1.35 MB
For information
14 Budget Monitoring and Prudential Guidelines 2007/08

This report seeks approval for use of the Fire Authority's General Fund balance, and also outlines key issues for consideration in its revenue budget monitoring for 2007/08. The report also forms part of the Fire Authority's regular monitoring process for its prudential indicators.

PDF icon pdf-165-2007-07-18-14 - Budget monitoring and Prudential Guidelines 200708.pdf50.29 KB
For decision
15 Annual Efficiency Statement Backward Looking 2006/07

This report submits the 2006/07 Annual Efficiency Statement for scrutiny by the Fire Authority. The return itself was required to be submitted by 5 July 2007, but any amendments can be notified to Communities and Local Government.

PDF icon pdf-166-2007-07-18-15 - Annual Efficiency Statement Backward Looking 2006-07.pdf39.86 KB
For decision
16 Integrated Risk Management Planning Members' Working Group Update

This report advises Members of the progress made by the Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP) Members' Working Group (the Group) towards the implementation of the improvements required by the Authority's IRMP Action Plan 2007/08. It also asks Members to approve the recommendations made by the Group at their meeting held on 28 June 2007. Additionally, it seeks delegated authority for the Group to approve the draft Action Plan 2008/09 and commence this year's IRMP consultation process.

PDF icon pdf-167-2007-07-18-16 - Integrated Risk Management Planning.pdf221.36 KB
For decision
17 Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2007/08

This report provides Members with a summary overview of the Fire and Rescue Performance Framework for 2007/08, proposed by the Audit Commission.

For information
18 FiReControl For information
18 FiReControl Transition Governance - Roles and Responsibilities

This report informs members of documents issued by Communities and Local Government in respect of the proposed transitional process, transition governance roles and responsibilities and suggests a suitable response.

PDF icon pdf-170-2007-07-18-18a - FireControl Transition Governance - Roles and Responsibilities.pdf64.91 KB
PDF icon pdf-170-2007-07-18-18a Appendix B FiReControl Transition Governance RPT0697 Transition Governance v1.0 -c-.pdf141.71 KB
For information
18 Executive Summary of FiReControl Business Case

This report informs members of documents issued by Communities and Local Government in respect of the proposed transitional process, transition governance roles and responsibilities and suggests a suitable response.

PDF icon pdf-171-2007-07-18-18b - Executive Summary of Fire Control Business Case.pdf59.67 KB
PDF icon pdf-171-2007-07-18-18b Full Business Case Volume 1.0.pdf268.5 KB
PDF icon pdf-171-2007-07-18-18b Full Business Case Volume 1.0 Questions and Answers.pdf87.57 KB
For information
18 Nomination of Director

This report brings to Members' attention the need to elect one Member to the position of Director on the Local Authority Controlled Company that will be the management company for the Regional Control Centre.

PDF icon pdf-172-2007-07-18-18c - Election of Director to West Midlands Fire and Rescue Services Regional Control Centre.pdf26.72 KB
For decision
19 Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme 2007

This report provides an overview of the European Commission's Leonardo da Vinci Programme for 2007, and advises of the Service's recent success in securing funds to facilitate a staff exchange programme to fire and civil protection organisations operating within five European countries.

PDF icon pdf-173-2007-07-18-19 - Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme 2007.pdf57.96 KB
For decision
20 Corporate Risk Management Summary

This is the second Annual Corporate Risk Management Summary Report to members. These reports aim to inform members about the corporate level risk management work that has been undertaken during the previous twelve months, as well as summarising the risk environment in which the service is currently operating.

PDF icon pdf-174-2007-07-18-20 - Corporate Risk Management Summary.pdf230.56 KB
For information
21 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and of confidential information.

For information
22 Corporate Risk Management Summary - Exempted Information - (Paragraphs 3 and 4)

The Authority will have received an open session report (report 16), which summarised its current exposure to corporate risk. This report supplements report 16, as it contains information that is exempt from publication by virtue of Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972.

For information

13 June 2007

Accounts and BVPP

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Appointment of Vice-Chair

As Councillor Morgan, who held the office of Vice-Chair, is no longer a Member of the Fire Authority, Members are asked to appoint a new Vice-Chair to hold office until the Annual Meeting in July.

For information
03 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
04 Minutes

Members are asked to agree the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 25 April 2007, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-180-2007-06-13-04 - CFA Minutes 25 April 2007.pdf63.36 KB
For decision
05 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
06 Standards Committee

Members are asked to receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting, held on 16 April 2007, and agree the recommendation at items 5.

PDF icon pdf-182-2007-06-13-06 - Standards Minutes 16 April 2007.pdf42.54 KB
For decision
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the non-exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 24 May 2007.

PDF icon pdf-183-2007-06-13-07 - S-R Minutes 24 May 2007.pdf41.35 KB
For decision
08 Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups and Membership of the Standards Committee

This report advises the Fire Authority of the need to reallocate seats on its committees to political groups, following the local elections at Borough of Telford & Wrekin. The report also asks the Fire Authority to agree the membership of, and nominate Members to, its Standards Committee.

PDF icon pdf-184-2007-06-13-08 - Allocation of Seats.pdf70.9 KB
For decision
09 Review of Code of Corporate Governance

This report requests Members to agree and adopt the proposed Code of Corporate Governance for Shropshire and Wrekin Fire Authority following the annual review conducted by officers.

PDF icon pdf-185-2007-06-13-09 - Review of Code of Corporate Governance.pdf140.5 KB
For decision
10 Member Champion Presentations

The following Members will give their second presentations to the Fire Authority:

10a Councillor Dr Drummond, Young People's Champion

10b Councillor Picken, Lead Member for Civil Resilience For information

For information
11 Statement of Accounts 2006/07

This report informs Members of the 2006/07 closure of accounts, and asks the Fire Authority to approve formally the Statement of Accounts 2006/07, attached as an appendix.

PDF icon pdf-187-2007-06-13-11 - Statement of Accounts 200607.pdf216.92 KB
PDF icon pdf-187-2007-06-13-11 - Tabled Doc Amendments to Statement of Accounts.pdf40.31 KB
For information
12 Statement on Internal Control

This report asks the Fire Authority to formally approve the Statement on Internal Control (SIC) 2006/07, which must be included as part of the Statement of Accounts 2006/07. It also asks Members to formally approve the SIC Improvement Plan 2007/08.

PDF icon pdf-188-2007-06-13-12 - Statement on Internal Control.pdf100.1 KB
For decision
13 Performance Plan

This report advises Members of the statutory obligation set out in the Local Government Act 1999 that requires fire and rescue authorities to prepare and publish an annual Performance Plan by no later than the end of June each year.

PDF icon pdf-189-2007-06-13-13 - Performance Plan report.pdf28.67 KB
PDF icon pdf-189-2007-06-13-13 - Appendix Performance Plan.pdf3.61 MB
For information
14 Medium Term Financial Plan For information
15 Response to OneCouncil Business Case Consultation

This report presents the response to the OneCouncil consultation by Communities and Local Government. It reflects the discussions at the last Fire Authority meeting and includes changes following discussions with the Chief Executive of Shropshire County Council by the Chair, Chief Fire Officer and Deputy Chief Fire Officer.

PDF icon pdf-191-2007-06-13-15 - Response to Onecouncil consultation.pdf71.02 KB
For information
16 Audit Commission Consultation Exercise: Transition to Comprehensice Area Assessment

In 2009 the current Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) arrangements for auditing of local public sectors services will superseded by Comprehensive Area Assessments (CAA). CAA will develop a shared view about the challenges facing an area, such as crime, community cohesion, a sustainable environment or public health issues and will also create a more joined up and proportionate approach to public service regulation.

This paper informs Members of the Audit Commission's consultation proposals regarding the transition from CPA to CAA and a proposed response prepared on behalf of the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-192-2007-06-13-16 - CPA to CAA.pdf42.82 KB
For decision
17 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and of confidential information.

For information
18 Strategy and Resources Committee

Members are asked to receive the exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 24 May 2007.

For information

25 April 2007

Rescheduled from 9 May 2007

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 14 February 2007, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-222-2007-04-25-03 - CFA Minutes 14 February 2007.pdf78.77 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 West Midlands Regional Management Board

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB), held on 25 January 2007, and agree the recommendations at items 3/07, 4/07, 5/07 and 7/07.

Please note that the papers relating to this meeting are not attached but can be found on the WMRMB website via the following link:

PDF icon pdf-224-2007-04-25-05 - WMRMB Minutes 25 Jan 07.pdf63.43 KB
For decision
06 Human Resources Committee

To receive the non- minutes of the Human Resources Committee meeting, held on 1 March 2007 and agree the recommendations at items 4, 5, 6 and 7. The minutes are attached marked 6 and the draft Promoting Gender Equality Scheme is attached marked 6a.

PDF icon pdf-225-2007-04-25-06 - HR Minutes 1 March 2007.pdf38.5 KB
PDF icon pdf-225-2007-04-25-06a - Draft Gender Equality Scheme.pdf559.97 KB
For information
07 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the non-exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 8 March 2007, and agree the recommendation at item 5. The minutes are attached marked 7 and the variations to be approved are attached marked 7a.

PDF icon pdf-226-2007-04-25-07 - S-R Minutes 8 March 2007.pdf35 KB
PDF icon pdf-226-2007-04-25-07a - Revenue and Capital Monitoring to January 2007.pdf23.1 KB
For information
08 Audit and Performance Management Committee

To receive the non-confidential minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 29 March 2007.

PDF icon pdf-227-2007-04-25-08 - A-PMC Non Confidential Minutes 29 March 2007.pdf52.21 KB
For information
09 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter and Use of Resources Auditor Judgements 2006

Mr Tony Corcoran from the Audit Commission will attend to present the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter and the Use of Resources Auditor Judgements 2006, which Members are required to accept formally. Attached marked 9a and 9b respectively.

PDF icon pdf-228-2007-04-25-09a - Annual Audit and Inspection Letter.pdf131.19 KB
PDF icon pdf-228-2007-04-25-09b - Use of Resources Auditor Judgements 2006.pdf515.69 KB
For information
10 Quorum for Committee Meetings

This report sets out the current arrangements regarding the quorum for Fire Authority committees and asks Members to consider whether they wish to make any changes to these arrangements.

PDF icon pdf-229-2007-04-25-10 - Quorum for Committee Meetings.pdf53.66 KB
For information
12 Retained Review Implementation

This report informs Members of the progress of the Retained Review Implementation Project.

PDF icon pdf-231-2007-04-25-12 - Retained Review Implementation.pdf425.38 KB
For decision
13 Regional Control Centre Update

Regional Control Centre Update
The Local Authority Controlled Company was formally established on 19 February 2007, when the Articles of Association were registered at Companies House. Members will, however, need to agree upon a number of important issues before the Company can hold an inaugural meeting, including the Member's Agreement and the correct method for cost apportionment across the Region. Once the Board meets officially it can begin to address the Company's business arrangements and to examine, and give direction on, important issues such as:

Selection of the Regional Control Centre Director
Human resource issues, such as staff numbers and shift patterns
Ensuring that appropriate conditions are in place regarding a range of contracts, into which the company will need to enter
These decisions are vital and are required to ensure the overall project is able to progress effectively.

The tendering process for the infrastructure service contract has been completed with EADS Defence and Security Systems announced as the successful bidder. It is anticipated that a number of key documents will now be made available, namely the Full Business Case, Transitional Plans and information on the proposed national functions cost apportionment model.

For information

For information
14 Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2006/07 Overview and Outcomes

This report provides Members with a summary overview of the Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2006/07 (introduced by the Audit Commission in 2006), together with the recently published performance results in respect of this Fire Authority and other English Fire and Rescue Authorities.

PDF icon pdf-233-2007-04-25-14 - Fire and Rescue Performance Framework 2006-07 Overview and Outcomes.pdf680.09 KB
For information
15 Audit Commission Consultation Exercise - Transition to Comprehensive Area Assessment

In 2009 the current Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) arrangements for auditing of local public sectors services will superseded by Comprehensive Area Assessments (CAA). CAA will develop a shared view about the challenges facing an area, such as crime, community cohesion, a sustainable environment or public health issues and will also create a more joined-up and proportionate approach to public service regulation. This report advises of the Audit Commission's consultation proposals regarding the transition from CPA to CAA.

PDF icon pdf-234-2007-04-25-15 - Audit Commission Consultation Exercise - Transition to Comprehensive Area Assessment.pdf32.15 KB
For decision
16 Response to Consultation on a Unitary Authority for Shropshire

This report outlines the possible impact upon the Fire Authority of the proposals for the move to unitary status of local government within Shropshire and recommends a response to the current consultation process.

PDF icon pdf-235-2007-04-25-16 - Response to Consultation on a Unitary Authority for Shropshire.pdf57.14 KB
For information
17 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and of confidential information.

For information
18 Exempt Minutes (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

To agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 14 February 2007, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

Attached marked 18. For decision

For information
19 Principal Officers' Employment Panel (Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

To receive the exempt notes of the Principal Officers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 8 March 2007, and agree the recommendations at item 11.

Attached marked 19. For decision

For information
20 Audit and Performance Management Committee (Confidential)

To receive the confidential minutes of the Audit and Performance Management Committee meeting, held on 29 March 2007.

Attached marked 20. For information

For information

14 February 2007

Item no. Agenda Item Details Status
01 Apologies for Absence For information
02 Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that they should declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests at this point and that they should leave the meeting before any item, in which they have a prejudicial interest, is discussed.

For information
03 Minutes

To agree the non-exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 20 December 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record.

PDF icon pdf-259-2007-02-14-03 - CFA Minutes 20-12-06.pdf67.61 KB
For decision
04 Public Questions

To receive any questions, statements or petitions, of which notice has been received, from members of the public.

For information
05 Strategy and Resources Committee

To receive the non-exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 25 January 2007. Attached marked 5. Reports 7, 8 and 9 from that meeting are attached (on green paper) as appendices to the minutes.

PDF icon pdf-261-2007-02-14-05 - S-R Non-Exempt Minutes 25-1-07.pdf235.02 KB
For information
06 West Midlands Regional Management Board

To receive the minutes of the West Midlands Regional Management Board (WMRMB) Special Meeting, held on 1 December 2006, and agree the recommendations at items 58/06 (a number of these recommendations were considered, and agreed, by the Fire Authority at its meeting on 20 December 2006).

PDF icon pdf-262-2007-02-14-06 - WMRMB Minutes 1-12-06.pdf55.1 KB
For decision
07 Constitutional issues For information
07 Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups and Increase of Membership of Standards Committee

This report advises the Fire Authority of the need to reallocate seats on its committees to political groups, following by-elections at Shropshire County Council. The report also asks the Fire Authority to agree the proposed increase in membership of its Standards Committee from 5 to 6 Members.

PDF icon pdf-264-2007-02-14-07a - Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups.pdf70.54 KB
For decision
07 Consultation on Revised Model Code of Conduct

On 22 January the Department for Communities and Local Government published a consultation paper seeking views on a draft new Model Code of Conduct for Local Authority Members. This report summarises the more significant changes proposed and asks the Fire Authority to delegate authority to its Chair, the Chair of its Standards Committee and its Clerk and Monitoring Officer to respond to the consultation on its behalf.

PDF icon pdf-265-2007-02-14-07b - Consultation on Revised Code of Conduct.pdf50.49 KB
For decision
08 Member Champion Presentations For information
08 Asset Management and Procurement Champion

The Member Champion for Asset Management and Procurement, Councillor Lt Col Allen, will give his first presentation to the Fire Authority, which includes the Asset Management and Procurement Strategy for adoption by the Fire Authority.

PDF icon pdf-267-2007-02-14-08a - Asset and Procurement Strategy.pdf108.8 KB
PDF icon pdf-267-2007-02-14-08a - Asset Management and Procurement Presentation.pdf437.62 KB
For information
08 Business Risk Management and Audit Champion

The Member Champion for Business Risk Management and Audit, Councillor Tandy, will give his first presentation to the Fire Authority. For information

For information
08 Learning and Development Champion

The Member Champion for Learning and Development, Councillor Davies, will give his first presentation to the Fire Authority. For information

For information
09 Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme, including Prudential Indicators

This report is part of the regular monitoring process undertaken throughout the year. It details the latest position on revenue and capital budgets, recommending action where necessary, and also monitors the Fire Authority's Prudential Indicators.

PDF icon pdf-270-2007-02-14-09 - Monitoring of Revenue Budget and Capital Programme including Prudential Indicators.pdf39.74 KB
For decision
09 Please note that reports 10, 11 and 12 need to be considered together. For information
10 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme - Budget Recommendations 2007/08

This report brings together the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee of 25 January 2007, which have been incorporated into the report on the precept to be considered later on the agenda for this meeting. In addition, the outcome of the consultation process is reported and summarised.

PDF icon pdf-272-2007-02-14-10 - Revenue Budget and Capital Programmes Budget Recommendations 2007-08.pdf613.98 KB
For decision
11 Capital Programme 2007/08 to 2009/10 and Prudential Guidelines

This report presents the capital programme, as recommended by the Strategy and Resources Committee, in the context of Prudential Guidelines.

PDF icon pdf-273-2007-02-14-11 - Capital Programme 2007-08 to 2009-10 and Prudential Guidelines.pdf63.74 KB
For decision
12 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme: 2007/08 Precept

This report seeks Fire Authority approval to: a budget for 2007/08; Council Tax levels for 2007/08; and Precepts on billing authorities and related matters.

PDF icon pdf-274-2007-02-14-12 - 2007-08 Precept 3-1percent.pdf87.55 KB
PDF icon pdf-274-2007-02-14-12 - Tabled Document.pdf79.68 KB
For information
13 Annual Review of Charges - Special Services

This report presents proposed increases in charges made for special services.

PDF icon pdf-275-2007-02-14-13 - Annual Review of Charges - Special Services.pdf69.04 KB
For decision
14 Gold Command Cover within West Mercia Local Resilience Forum

This report informs Members about the proposed agreement with Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority to provide shared Gold Command cover across the West Mercia Local Resilience Forum area.

PDF icon pdf-276-2007-02-14-14 - Gold Command Cover.pdf52.49 KB
For decision
15 Retained Review Implementation

This report informs Members of the progress of the Retained Review Implementation Project.

PDF icon pdf-277-2007-02-14-15 - Retained Review Implementation.pdf432.15 KB
For information
16 Regional Fire Controls and Convergence Management for Firecontrol and Firelink Projects

The papers relating to the setting up of the Local Authority Controlled Company are now with Companies House. Discussions are underway with the Fire Control Board concerning insurance, legal and management issues of the new company. Discussions have also taken place concerning the funding for convergence, which has been received recently (£84,568 for 2006/07 and £129,163 for 2007/08) and how to take the project forward within a regional or sub-regional context with this grant funding. Suggestions about the West Midlands Region moving forward in the 'roll out' order have been refuted by the National Project Team, although the Region will be employing its regional Control Centre Director along with the first wave regions. There are no firmer facts to report at present. Officers will keep Members updated as new information is made available. Agenda paragraph only. For information

For information
17 Auditor's Report on the Best Value Performance Plan 2005/06

The Audit Commission has produced the Auditor's Report on the Best Value Performance Plan audit 2006/07.

PDF icon pdf-279-2007-02-14-17 - Audit Commission Auditors report BVPP - FINAL.pdf788 KB
For information
18 Best Value Performance Plan 2007/08

This report sets out the Fire Authority's statutory responsibilities to prepare and publish an annual best value performance plan. The report also identifies other related performance issues to be considered in the preparation of the performance plan. Most notably, this includes the necessity to identify by no later than 31 March 2007 improvement priorities resulting from the recent Performance Framework assessments.

PDF icon pdf-280-2007-02-14-18 - Best Value Performance Plan 2007-08.pdf52.89 KB
For decision
19 Audit Commission Consultation Exercise: Performance Assessment Framework 2007/08 and Proposals for Re-Categorisation

This report summarises key areas of the Audit Commission's proposals for the review of fire and rescue authorities during 2007/08, together with proposals for Comprehensive Performance Assessment re-categorisation.

PDF icon pdf-281-2007-02-14-19 - Performance Assessment Framework 2007-08 Consultation.pdf72.99 KB
For information
20 Falck - Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service<br />Staff Exchange Programme 2006

This report, together the appended Executive Summary Report, provides a precis of the Falck - Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service Staff Exchange Programme 2006.

PDF icon pdf-282-2007-02-14-20 - Staff Exchange Programme.pdf218.53 KB
For decision
21 Local Government Act 1972

To consider a resolution under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined by the provisions of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, by virtue of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.

For information
22 Exempt Minutes 9

(Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7)

To agree the exempt minutes of the Fire Authority meeting, held on 20 December 2006, and that they be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Attached marked 22. For decision

For information
23 Principal Officers' Employment Panel

(Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4)

To receive the notes of the Principal Officers' Employment Panel meeting, held on 15 January 2007, and agree the two sets of recommendations at item 13: recommendations a) to c) and a) to e). Attached marked 23. For decision

For information
24 Strategy and Resources Committee

(Paragraphs 3 and 4)

To receive the exempt minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, held on 25 January 2007. Attached marked 24. For information

For information


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